Training day

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The Avengers found out Peter was Spider-Man yesterday, after walking in on the teenager doing his homework on the ceiling. After some yelling and lecturing, they had the idea to have a full training day the next day, to test Peter's battle moves, strength and reflexes. So he wasn't going to school tomorrow. He was a little bummed to miss the field trip to the mystery location, but he was going to spend the day with the Avengers and that was so much cooler. 


Peter woke up at 6am and quickly got ready. He ran with Steve and Sam, to warm up, but also to see how fast the spider could run. Turns out he was faster than Captain America.

They went back to the tower and ate breakfast, waiting for the others to wake up. At 8am, they were all in the training room.

"Alright," Bruce said, "First, we need to know your battle level. We'll start with some hand-to-hand combat with Natasha."

The two got into position and Natasha was the one to throw the first punch. Peter just dodged it with his Spidey senses. The fight kept going and Peter dodged all of the punches, not throwing a single one.

"Peter, you've got to fight back at some point."

He hesitated then punched Natasha weakly in the stomach. She just sighed.

"Don't hold back. I can take it."

 He nodded and kicked her in the side. She blocked his foot and threw it, making him do a backflip. Natasha then tried to punch him but he blocked it and pushed her, sending her flying across the room.

"Oh my God. I'm so sorry, are you okay ?" he ran to her with a mortified expression.

"I'm fine", she chuckled, getting up. "That's what I was talking about ребенок паук"

"Okay, let's move on. We're going to do a little bit of weight lifting. Go over this machine. Tony created it."

Peter did as Bruce said and laid down on the bench. He grabbed the weight and waited for more instructions.

"We're gonna start with 500kg and add more and more weight." he tapped something on his screen. "Tell us when you want to stop."

He nodded and then started lifting the weight a few times.

"Alright, we're adding 150kg."

Up, down, up, down, up, down.

"200 more."

Peter wasn't even listening anymore. He was only focusing of his breathing and on the dumbbell. He didn't know how long he was doing this when he put the weight down, too tired to keep going. He looked up to see the team's shocked faces.

"So ?"

"Peter," Tony said slowly, "You just lifted 10,320kg. That's like, more than 10 tons."

"Oh. Cool." he smiled and got up. "What's next ?"

"Uh," Bruce cleared his throat, "we were gonna test your reflexes with Clint but I think we can pass to the next level. You're going to fight Nat, Steve, Bucky and Clint at the same time."

Peter gulped and got into his fighting position. Steve ran towards him and threw a punch which he caught. He punched him in the face and kicked him in the stomach, sending him flying across the room. One down. His Spidey-sense tingled and he stepped to the left, dodging an arrow. He then turned around in time to see Natasha jumping on his shoulders. He grabbed her wrist and got her off him. She did a somersault and ran towards him again. Peter felt an arrow coming so he slipped between her legs and elbowed her in the back. Two down.  He ran to Bucky and tried to punch him but the soldier caught his fist. He threw another punch with his other hand but the same thing happened. Bucky tried to throw him away but before he could, Peter did a side flip, freeing his hands and dodging an arrow in the process. He then grabbed the soldier's shoulders and jumped over him. They were now back to back. He linked his hands, put them over his head and grabbed Bucky's neck. He bent over and threw him on Clint. Four down. He put his hands up in victory while the other Avengers cheered.

"WHAT THE HELL PARKER ?!" Peter's smile dropped and he turned his head towards the voice.

There, behind the window, was his class and his teacher. They were all open-mouthed and their facial expressions were something between shock and awe.

"I-What..." he was about to ask what they were doing here but then it hit him : the field trip. "How much did you see ?"

"Dude !" Ned looking proud of his friend, "You didn't tell me you could beat 4 Avengers at the same time !" he was almost bouncing of excitement.

"Yeah... well I didn't know until now."

Tony decided to save his kid from this awkward situation.

"Hello, Peter's class, I hope you enjoyed your field trip. Please don't ever talk about what you just saw, it was really embarrassing for these losers here, and FRIDAY remind me to get tinted windows. Other than that, have a good day !" he took Peter by the shoulders and left. "C'mon kid, let's get ice cream. You deserve it."

Peter Parker one shots // ft. irondad and the avengersOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz