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The Avengers were coming back to the tower after the snap. They were depressed after having lost the war and thought that living together again would be good for them. They stepped out of the elevator and were greeted by FRIDAY.

"Welcome back."

"FRIDAY, where's Tony ?" Natasha asked.

"Mr Stark is in the lab. The door seems to be unlocked."

So they headed to the lab. On their way they noticed a lot of pictures in frames, on walls and shelves. Most of them were featuring a teenager they never saw. He was always smiling and beside him, Tony looked happier than ever. They reached the lab and Steve knocked. There wasn't any answer so he opened the door. Tony was sitting in the dark facing the wall on which a video was playing. They got in and stood behind him in silence. On the video, the boy from the pictures was sleeping. The camera approached him and then Tony's voice filled the room.

"Kid wake up. Peter. Pete. Underoos." the boy only grunted in response.

"You're gonna be late for school. Your aunt is going to kill me." the camera zoomed on his face.

"Stop filming me. I'm sick."

"Sure you are."

"I really am !"

"Oh okay. Well that's too bad." Tony sighed dramatically, "I was hoping we could build lightsabers today. You've been asking for a while and this is the only day of the week I'm available. But I guess if you're sick..."

The boy's eyes immediately opened and a second later he was wide awake.

"Wait- no ! Mr Stark I'm fine, totally fine, see ? Let's get to school ! Hurry, I don't want to be late !" he said jumping out of bed and getting ready. 

The video cut with Tony's laughter and Peter tripping on his own feet.

The team stayed silent, debating whether they should say something or not. 

"This was Peter. You met him in Germany as Spider-Man. He was my intern, but really he was like a son to me. He fought Thanos with me on Titan and I lost him." His voice broke, "He died in my arms and I couldn't do anything to save him." he was now crying. 

Natasha Romanoff didn't do feelings. But she couldn't help but put a hand on his shoulder, just to let him know they were there for him. "You're hurting yourself by watching those Tones" Rhodey said.

"It's over. That was the last one."

"Actually sir," FRIDAY's voice broke the silence, "There is one last video, coming from Peter's suit but I wouldn't recommend you to watch it."

"FRIDAY play it."


"Play it. Please." his voice was almost pleading.

The AI didn't respond but a video appeared on the wall.

The video showed Tony on Titan. 

"Mr Stark", he turned around at the sound of Peter's voice, "I don't feel so good."

"You're alright."

"I-I don't know what's happening, I don't know-" the boy stumbled against Tony who caught him. They held onto each other.

"I don't want to go, I don't want to go" Peter was now crying and begging. "Sir please, please, I don't want to go, I don't want to go."

Tony laid Peter on the floor, a look of panic on his face. The teenager whispered "I'm sorry" and the screen turned black.

Tony was silently sobbing and even the Avengers behind him, Earth's mightiest heroes, had tears in their eyes.

Peter Parker one shots // ft. irondad and the avengersWhere stories live. Discover now