1. The proposal

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It was a chilly morning in January. Olivia wilde woke up to an empty bed. Confused, she walked around searching for him. Suddenly, she saw him on a balcony with his back facing her. "Harry? What are you doing?" She said, stepping out to join him.

"My Dearseth Olivia Wildeth", he suddenly says while turning around. "Thous bright green orbs, and Sun coloredth hairth brighten my days." He drops to one knee, "You maketh me the happiest person on the planet. As Shakespeare once said, 'I love thee till the stars shrivel up and fall, and it will not die because stars do not shrivel up and fall'". He pauses to take a breath. "Olivia cockburn, will thou marry me?"

"Oh my goodness Harry! I thought you'd never ask!" Olivia exclaims. "My answer is-"

But she is cut off by a loud bang of the front door. Obama storms into the room, eyes brimming with tears. "HOW COULD YOU DI THIS TO ME??? AFTER ALL THAT WEVE BEEN THROUGH???" he yells at Harry.
"NO! Please! This isn't what it looks like!" Harry responds, looking between his future fiancée and his previous lover. "I thought that we might still have a chance, and I came all this way to tell you that I love you.... But I guess I'm too late." Obama confesses.

Then, out of nowhere, a black dog with white paws runs onto the balcony. "Clifford! Get back here!" a shrill voice calls out while chasing the dog. "Eleanor?????" Harry questions, recognizing her voice. "Oh my goodness, it's my husbands mortal enemy! What are you doing here?" She says.It's my house, but no biggie! How are you? How's my mortal enemy?" Harry asks warmly. "Will someone please tell me what's going on?" Olivia suddenly says, disrupting the happy reunion.
"Harry is my lover, and I challenge you to a fight. Whoever wins will get Harry" Obama challenges, taking a step towards Olivia.

"Actually, I don't like either of you" Harry declares, clearing his throat "I'm actually in love with my mortal enemies dog walker. I'm sorry it had to end like this." and he walks out.

Obama looks at Olivewater "wanna fuck?"

hey guys! this is my first fic but i put a ton of thought into it and hopefully you guys like it! I'll try to update regularly but it might be kind of hard because yesterday my horse died while us was sitting on him and I broke my neck, arms, and my left big toe. Also, my dads side of the family (including my dad)were in a car accident last week, the same day my house caught on fire during an earthquake! But the next update will be on Monday as per usual 😊😊😊

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