"So, what's in here?" Laito spoke, attempting to snatch the book, but your grip was strong. Spinning your head, you saw the noticeable smirk plastered on his lips. 

"None of your damn business." Swinging the book away from him, you quickly dashed towards your room. Something stood in front of you, causing you to bump into them, falling to the ground. As you lifted her hand, you noticed the book was gone. 

"These are drawings." Ayato chuckled, flipping through the pages, Laito sneaking behind to see the drawings. 

'No, no, no. They'll see. They'll see the drawings of the servants. That was my darkest time, drawing many moments of how I envisioned the servants sucking my blood in the dark.'

"No, no, no," you muttered, standing quickly with an angered look spread across your face. "Give it back."

Ayato stopped flipping through the pages, widening his eyes as his smile dropped to a more focused and confused look. Laito leaned closer to get the full detail. 

"I said, give it back!" You snatched the book out of the boy's hands, but he was somewhat stunned to even notice. 

"Shut up." Shu marched in, plopping himself on the couch you just sat on. 

Subaru entered the room, scoffing at the noise. "You mortals are so annoying!" he blurted, crossing his arms. 

Your eyes almost began to water. You pushed your body past the two boys, stomping up the staircase to your room. The hallway was peaceful: no noise, no movements but your own, and no drama. 

"Did you see that?" Laito asked Ayato, chuckling as he strolled away. Ayato nodded in response, quickly jumping into teasing Yui. 

"They saw. Goddamit, they saw!" you shouted, stuffing the sketchbook under your pillow as you lower your body on the bed. Rolling to your stomach, you buried your face into the pillow, taking slow breaths. 

"What was that? Were you throwing a fit?" Laito's voice pierced your mind, causing you to turn your head, seeing the boy's velvet hat greet you. 

Sighing, you responded, "You saw, huh?" 

"Your drawings are fascinating, just like your blood." He licked his lips seductively, causing your eyes to widen slightly as your body slithered off your bed. 

Chuckling nervously, "That's nice to know." You felt your back hit someone, their hands finding their way to your shoulders. 

"She is Yours Truly, remember?" Ayato questioned, forcing Laito to jump towards you. You were practically in the middle of a sandwich. 

"You need to calm down, you haven't even marked her yet." Laito reached out to grab your hand, but Ayato shoved you out of the way. "Whatever, but I'll get to taste her eventually, Ayato." Ayato scoffed as Laito slowly marched out of the room, sending a wink as he shut the door. 

"Now, I get to have my time with you."

You stepped forward, brushing his hands off your body. You said, "I'm not having you or anyone bite me." Suddenly, he pushed you to lay on the bed. As you attempted to stand quickly, Ayato pinned you down, straddling over your hips as his hands shoved your wrists into the covers. "Please," you whispered, looking towards him with scrunched brows, but hurt eyes.

"That look just gets me going." As Ayato lent forward, you tried to force yourself out of the situation, squirming around, but his inhuman strength kept you pinned. 

"Yui!" you shouted, but suddenly felt his fangs dig into your skin. 

Just like when you were younger, your body faded into a state where it couldn't squirm to escape, it couldn't hit Ayato's chest, it could move. You were motionless. You hissed at the pain as the only muscles you could move where your face and you could speak but in a raspy tone. 

"A...yato," you whispered, still feeling your blood drain into his mouth. 

He noticed your body stop moving, grinning under his feast of delicious blood. He breathed intensely, almost feeling impossible to pull away from you. It was almost like he craved it more than Yui's. 

"P-please." Your voice was so quiet, he barely heard you. 

He pulled his fangs away, licking the little bit of blood from your neck and his lips. Seeing his face appear in your view, his vibrant green eyes showed his satisfaction. His breathing pattern slowed, watching your motionless body. 

"So, you can't move?" Ayato questioned, smirking at your position. A small tear trickled down your cheek as a sigh escaped your lips. 

"Ayato, p-please." You turned your eyes to face his, seeing him raise his brows. His smirk, his eyes, it didn't fear you, nor did vampires in general. What feared you is the motion of them biting your skin and forcing you to become immovable. That is what scared you.

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