Chapter 1: The Investigation Begins

Start from the beginning

It took her a while, but she eventually found the church. It was quite a ways away, being pretty close to the woods. As she got closer, she could faintly hear two male voices- one of which was rather chipper, the other sounding as though he hasn't slept in a few days. Rounding the corner, she stopped as the two figures came into view. She took a moment to examine them.

One was a boy with tanned skin, brown hair, and red eyes. He looked as tired as he sounded, if she was honest. The other... Well, definitely not what she was expecting. He had tan skin, brown hair, and six arms. '

'Ok, I definitely wasn't expecting him to be a spider person..' Kitsune thought to herself before proceeding. "Hey, excuse me!" She called, getting the two boys' attention.

"My name is Kitsune- I'm a journalist. I was wondering if I could ask a few questions." She stated, getting closer.

"Oh!! Sure thing!" The spider boy chirped. The boy standing beside him gave a slight smile.

"Yeah, sure. Don't have anything better to do anyways. I'm Norman, this is Charon." He stated.

"You look pretty young for a journalist." Charon commented, examining her.

"Heh, yeah, I get that a lot. I think my height's partially to blame." Kitsune remarked.

"Anyways, what'd you wanna ask?" Charon questioned.

"Well, before I came here, I was informed you saw the person that lives in the mansion. Is this true? Could you explain his appearance in any detail?" Kitsune asked, taking her journal out, pen ready.

"Ohh, that's what you're here for! Anyways, yeah, I did. As for appearance... It was a little dark to see, but he was pretty tall. It was pretty windy that night, so his hood blew off. He has white skin and hair, like he has albinism or something. I could faintly see his shirt sleeve because he reached to pull it back up. It looked to be either white or light gray. Like I said, it was dark." Charon explained, trying to be as descriptive as possible.

Kitsune wrote down all of the details she could. "Could either of you tell me where the mansion is?" She asked. "Yeah, but I wouldn't recommend going there. Not today, anyways. There's a bit of a beaten path on the other side of town. Find it, follow it, and you should be there in fifteen minutes- maybe ten if you're fast." Norman answered.

"You said I couldn't go there today. Is there a specific time I COULD go?" Kitsune asked. "Mmmhm. It's kinda dangerous no matter what, but he's typically out on Wednesday nights starting at eight p.m... So, tomorrow. If you're REALLY curious, you could go then. He usually goes back at nine, so you better be fast. No one who gets caught by him ever comes back."

With a slight gulp, Kitsune wrote the timing down. As scary as it sounded, she knew she'd have to try it. If for no reason other than to satisfy her curiosity. "Right then. Thanks, you two! Have a nice day." She said, pocketing her journal and pen.

As she walked down the streets, she examined her writing thus far. She noticed on the last page, some of the ink was a lot fainter. Great, she thought. Now she had to get some more pens. Though admittedly, it did kind of work out. She was planning on getting supplies for her little field trip anyways, so she may as well pick up a new package of pens too.

As she was walking past a school, she heard a small voice call out to her. "Hey!!" She snapped out of her thought, turning to look at the person. Or rather, people. Two small children ran up to her, a boy and a girl.

The boy had white, shoulder length hair, and the girl had long pink hair that went to her hips that was tied in braids. The two of them looked up at her- sheer, innocent curiosity in their matching emerald green eyes.

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