Chapter 15: Checkmate

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The woman nodded.

"They plead not guilty" she repeated. "Let the questioning by veritaserum begin"

Harry watched silently as the Malfoy parents drunk veritaserum and were questioned.

It wasn't going well as the head wizards took a break. Harry stepped out accompanied by two other wizards. He found Draco, who wasn't allowed in, sitting quietly.

The other wizards watched from afar.

Harry heard Draco mutter a privacy spell laying his head down.

Harry walked over sitting beside Draco.

"I can read your face. It's not going well is it?" Draco asked.

Harry shook his head.

"Maybe it's the fall but I assumed you guys had adopted me..."

Draco looked up surprised. "If we had. Your name would have been changed. Sadly my father was an assumer deatheater. Because of that no deatheaters in question or confirmed are allowed to adopt. Its a law" Draco explained.

Harry was surprised but nodded. "So then whats the best and worse case scenario you think?"

Draco layed his head down again. "Best case they prove they're innocence and worst case we lose you to Dumbledore" Draco muttered.

Harry sighed laying his head on the table as well. Harry slowly slid his hand over Dracos who flipped his over holding Harrys hand back quietly.

The two stayed like such before one of the wizards cleared their throat, the trial starting again.

Harry let go sitting up. "It's my turn. Listen Dray. I'm sorry for all this. I'll do what I have to do to save your family."

Draco shook his head. "Sometimes you sound so Gryffindor" he complained.

Harry found himself smiling hitting Dracos shoulders. "Oh shut up."

Draco smiled "But seriously don't apologize. We would do the exact same thing again. I can't imagine us not being friends" Draco stated.

Harry rose with Draco now the two walking in. One of the wizards leading Harry to be questioned.

Harry took a seat keeping a calm demeanor while in the hot seat.

A small witch walked forward. "Did the Malfoys take you from your home?"

Harry nodded. "Yes the Malfoys took me from the muggles but they rescued me. That place was never my home. Malloy manor is and if they hadn't I can assure you I'd be dead" he stated

The jury looked surprised.

The witch nodded. "It has also be brought to my attention you sustained a head injury. Is that correct?" She asked.

Harry nodded again but got cut off.

"If thats the case then whos to say anything you say right now is believable?" She asked.

Harry looked up spotting Dumbledore having slipped in the back. He was smiling

Harry shook his head.

"That's not how it works. I remember certain events and memories such as being rescued by the malfoys, being taught to fly by them and lastly them not leaving my side" Harry snapped.

The witch rose an eyebrow. "Interesting. If anything that seems like manipulation of memories. I'm done with my questions" she turned sitting as a man rose.

Harry internally groaned.

A wizard, Harry assumed was the Malfoys representative stepped up. "I apologize for all these questions. From my understanding you were hurt again?" He asked

Book One: Fool Me Onceحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن