So Now They All Want A Crack At Me

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Now that Tony was in a new relationship with Velvet, he was finally truly happy, but that also brought a common trouble, which thankfully Tony had the tools to deal with, Tony was sitting on his bed watching videos on his scroll, well he was until Team RWBY bursted into his room "Tony, we need to talk" Weiss stated "Leave me alone, or do you all want a taste of what I gave Yang" Tony replied, drawing his knife, Yang put her hand over the place Tony stabbed her.

"Whats wrong with you? You stabbed Yang and expect us not to confront you?" Blake asked "You cheat on me and expect me not to hate you" Tony retorted "Im in a good mood so I'll bite, what is it?" Tony asked "What can we do?" Ruby asked "What?" Tony asked "What can we do to get you to forgive us" Ruby asked "Nothing" Tony answered "What do you mean "nothing"?!" Weiss asked "There is nothing you can do, get this through your mile-thick skulls, I hate all of you, so do me a favor and leave me alone!" Tony shouted, Yang pulled out her scroll and typed something, just then Tony heard a gun go off so he stopped time and looked around, then looked out his window and saw the living embodiment of "blue hell", Neptune had fired a blast from his gun "Trying a sneak attack, normally that would be a problem, but with my semblance its no more than an annoyance" Tony put Yang in his original spot and moved to a corner in his dorm, he then let time resume and Yang was shot instead, and she writhed in pain "You all are complete idiots" Tony stated before he disappeared.

Tony was in team NPR's room with Nora trying to relax his mind "They really want you to forgive them huh?" Nora asked "They thought shooting me would get me to forgive them, they are sorry, they are morons" Tony answered. As if on cue, Team RWBY stormed into the room, so to deal with them, Tony sent them back in time to where they were on their way to the room, and before they got there, Tony locked the door "Nora, what should I do?" Tony asked "They wont leave you alone, cant you erase them from the timeline?" Nora asked "I can only do that on non-living things" Tony explained "Then give them a chance" Nora replied "Why should I?" Tony asked, Nora stared at Tony with a serious expression "Tony, you are being stubborn" Nora told him "Fine" Tony hesitated, he then unlocked the door and let team RWBY in "Im giving you all one chance, fuck up, and you can forget being forgiven" Tony stated "What do we do?" Ruby asked "Give me 5000 lien, stay away from Velvet unless I say otherwise, and hand me Weiss' dust supply" Tony said "Deal" Yang stated "Yang!" Weiss shouted, Yang glared at Weiss with red eyes and she stayed silent "Alright, you all have a week, don't fuck up, Nora, our workout session is today" Tony stated "Right, lets go" Nora said and she grabbed Tony's hand and they disappeared

Tony was with Nora doing their usual exercises, weight lifting, runs, push ups, sit ups, the works, but Nora wanted to try something new "Hey Tony, do you think you can lift me?" Nora asked "Maybe, I don't know" Tony answered "Try it" Nora said "Alright" Tony replied, he set down his dumbbells and lifted Nora bridal style "Whoa!" Nora exclaimed "I guess our sessions are paying off" Tony commented "Boop" Nora said, poking Tony's nose, making him chuckle.

Tony and Nora appeared back in NPR's room, where Pyrrha was "Hello" she said "Hey Pyrrha, where Ren?" Tony asked "He's out getting food, he'll be back" Pyrrha asked, Nora grew a sly grin "So Tony, you're a stressed guy~" Nora hissed, Tony looked at Nora, confused "You've been through a lot, now you're a dashing young guy alone with two girls, what will you do?~" Nora asked, trailing her hand down Tony's chest "Dip" Tony answered, before vanishing "Aw man" Nora said, dropping her head at her joke failing.

Tony was leaning on the wall of his dorm, holding his hand over his red face, he heard a knock and it was Ruby "What is you bi- I mean, Yes?" Tony asked "I just wanted to give you something" Ruby replied, she handed Tony a small box, Tony opened it and it revealed a silver necklace, encrusted with pale green gems "Its a gift, I know you're still mad but I just had a thought" Ruby said "Thanks Ruby" Tony replied before shutting the door, Ruby couldn't be sure if it was real, but she was sure she saw a small smile on Tony's face.

Tony put the necklace on his neck, he will admit, it looked good, Tony was going over his choices "They are being genuine, They did everything in their power, even somethings out, all for my forgiveness, was I..., was I wrong?" Tony asked himself, he grabbed his scroll and texted Velvet

"Hey Bun Bun"

"I told you not to call me that"

"But you're so cute when you blush at it"


"Im gonna spend tomorrow with 'them'"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, trust me on this one"

"Alright, I trust you"

"Love you Bunny"

"Love you too"

Tony put his scroll down and lied on his bed "I guess I could try it" he said

Time That I'll Never Get BackOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora