Stop It

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Tony had made his way back to his dorm after the events in the cafeteria, unfortunately he ran into Blake on his way "Hey Tony I just wanna-" Tony stopped time, walked around her and resumed time "Say sorry" Blake continued confused as where Tony went. Tony made it inside his dorm and went to take a nap, but someone knocked on his door "This had better be important" Tony said, he opened the door and Nora was standing outside his door "What is it, I am very tired" Tony asked "We need help with moving some stuff and we don't trust Jaune anymore, can you help us?" Nora asked "Fine" Tony replied "Thanks Tony" Nora said before sprinting off. Tony was carrying a box with a bunch if stuff in it with somewhere with the better fourths of team JNPR "Thanks again for this Tony" Pyrrha said "No problem, I would have preferred to sleep, but its fine" Tony replied, after a while everything was moved in place and everything was perfect, until Weiss entered the room, and saw Tony.

"What is it Ice Queen?" Nora asked irritated "I just wanna talk to Tony" she said, she took a step forward but when her foot landed she was back in her original spot (hehehehe, if you watched JoJo part three, you know exactly whats happening) she took another step to the same result, and another to the same result, over and over "Whats happening?!" Weiss shouted  "Leave me alone" Tony said coldly, Weiss ran toward Tony, but was suddenly back in her first position "Can someone explain whats happening?!" Weiss shouted "Piss off" Tony said before he disappeared "You heard him, get outta here" Ren told her, Weiss hesitantly ran out the door to look for Tony. Tony was in his dorm getting the sleep he desired but he was woken up by the sound of paper slipping, Tony looked up and saw a piece of paper under his door, he picked it up and it read "Go to the arena in the emerald forest" Tony erased the note and followed its directions.

Tony was standing in the middle of the arena and waiting for who ever sent the note, but then he picked up on a scent, the scent of roses "Tony please, this doesn't have to happen" Ruby pleaded, Tony stayed silent "Heres the deal, were are gonna fight, if you say no or lose, you have to forgive us!" Yang shouted "I guess I'll have to win" Tony responded, Yang launched herself at Tony but she was then sent flying ("What happened?!") Yang thought, Weiss tried to strike Tony with Myrtenaster but Tony suddenly struck her in the back, Blake appeared for an attack but, Tony blocked and countered, Ruby held up Crescent Rose in sniper form "Please.." Ruby said about to cry, Tony stood silent again and Ruby fired "Ima, watashi no nigaoe o miyo!!" (Now, behold my semblance!!) Tony yelled then suddenly he was in front of Ruby with her bullet in between his fingers "Even after all of this you still dont get it, I want nothing to do with any of you" Tony said, and Ruby then was sent flying to her sister "Since you clearly cant figure it out for yourselves, I'll tell you whores what my semblance is" Tony said "My semblance... Gives me the power to control time!" Tony explained, team RWBY stared in awe "Stop, reverse, slow, speed up, erase, Time bends to me." Tony stated "It doesn't matter, we will beat you and you will forgive us!" Yang shouted, she went for a punch but she was stopped by Tony holding her by the neck "Now, I tell you one last time" Tony said as he drew his cleaver, all of a sudden Yang was covered in scratches and her aura was too low to fight "Leave me be" Tony stated before he threw Yang to the side "We surrender" Ruby said "But-" Weiss started but Ruby dropped her weapon, making her fall silent, Tony simply disappeared.

Tony had made his way back to his dorm to finally take his nap, in his bed he took a lick of his knife "Nice to know that, this still its kick, even after the incident" Tony said smiling, before he went to sleep.

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