A Visit to Salucami Pt. 1

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I got inspiration from antisocial-mariposa to write my own little story of when the Bad Batch bring Calli(Scar) to Salucami! We trade/ steal ideas from each other all the time🤣


"Why are we going to Salucami again?" Calli asked the boys, all of them sitting in the cockpit, "Seems like a far out place to restock supplies."

"It's a nice planet that's been barely touched by the war. We'll be able to relax for a couple days and visit a friend of ours." A break sounded good for everyone, as they'd completed a series of six missions back to back with hardly a moment to breathe in between each one.

Calli raised a brow when the second half of Hunter's last sentence registered.

"A friend? You mean to tell me there's another living being in this universe besides Cody that you get along with?"

"Ha ha." Crosshair said with dry sarcasm while the other boys looked at Calli with unamused expressions. She raised her hands in defense.

"Hey, I'm not trying to be mean. But the thought of you guys having another friend is a little hard to believe. Just since I've joined the squad, we've been in more fights with regs and other Republic soldiers than I can count."

"And half of them you started." Hunter pointed out.

"The instigator of said fights is not what we're focusing on right now." Calli stated, making the Sergeant roll his eyes and Crosshair smirk in amusement, "I'm just saying that our squad is hard to get along with. Making friends isn't exactly our specialty."

"And how many friends do you have exactly?" Crosshair questioned, "None, I'm guessing." Calli scoffed at his assumption and crossed her arms in defiance.

"I do so!" She insisted.

"Oh really?" Calli nodded, but Crosshair still wasn't convinced and smirked when he thought of something, "Well I'd love to meet these 'friends' of yours." Immediately all of Calli's confidence disappeared, and she cleared her throat as she tried to think of an excuse as to why that wasn't possible.

"W-Well I mean, these aren't like, friends that you can just stop by and say hi, you know." Crosshair and Hunter shared knowing looks, the Sergeant trying - and failing - to hide a smile of amusement, which only made Calli even more flustered, "I-In fact they're probably more like acquaintances -" her shoulders dropped in shame, "-that I stole from..." the snickers from her squadmates made her face blush and she mumbled a quick 'shut up' before hurrying out of the cockpit, deciding now would be a good time to change into her civvie clothes.


Calli and the boys had landed in an opening in a crop field and were now walking through the tall plants to get to the home of Cut and Suu.

"So your friend is a farmer?" It was more of a surprised statement than a question.

"Why so surprising?" Hunter asked, and Calli shrugged.

"I don't know, I just don't see how four clone soldiers of the GAR could have become acquainted with a simple farmer in a backwater world like this. It doesn't make sense, logically."

"And what sort of person would you expect us to have as friends?" Hunter questioned and Calli shrugged a second time.

"Again, I don't know." She thought for a moment while ducking under a branch, "Maybe a mercenary or something that acted as your informant. Not a farmer. But I guess I still have a lot to learn about you lot." She admitted just as they reached the end of the crop field which opened to a small field and in the distance Calli saw what she assumed was a house.

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