Chapter 1.

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-Story Starts-

Aaron smiled excitedly.

Vice president wasn't too bad of a role. 

Jefferson was a good competition, and from his camaraderie with both Jefferson and Madison, he assumed some good would be coming from the role. Though, he couldn't help but feel down that, after all these years, Hamilton had seen him as no more than an enemy in the public eye. "No beliefs," the man had taunted, "not fit to run the state."

What would he know?

Regardless, Burr straightened his uniform, looking to greet the new president. Soon spotting the redhead, he hurried over. "Mr. President!" He greeted with a chuckle. In the corner of his eyes he caught movement of a younger lad. Couldn't be more than thirty. Shaking his head, he offered a smile to Jefferson. "It's an honor."

The redhead glanced towards his brunette friend, Madison, with a brow raised before even offering to look back at Burr. "What is?"

"To be your vice president..." Burr explained, holding out a hand to Jefferson. The other man backed away, however, holding his hands up in an attempt to stop Burr from approaching. 

"Yeah. You openly campaign against me, and it's an honor? Psh..." Jefferson rolled his eyes. Madison gave Burr an almost sorry look before glancing back at Thomas. 

"It is a bit odd that the man who loses the campaign gets to be vice..." He muttered.

Burr froze, drawing his hand back, his brown eyes resting on the two. He shook his head in dismissal. "I'll talk with you tomorrow..." He turned away, beginning to walk. Behind him the other two talked, so he listened closely to the discussion. 

"Where did that private secretary of yours go?"

"Uck-... Who knows? Meriwether! Mr. Lewis! Where did you go, lad?"

Aaron glanced over his shoulder, watching the man hurry over, almost tripping over himself. He chuckled a bit. Perhaps that kid wouldn't be too bad. 

Though, he couldn't help but ponder why Thomas is treating him like shit.

He had been beside and allied with the man for ages, and now he acts like they've never talked, felt, or loved one another.

Love. What a strong word. 

Aaron hated to admit, but he did love Thomas- he loved Madison! A part of his heart loved Alexander too. But, each of them had pushed him aside, or completely ditched him. He frowned at the thought, brows furrowing. 

Perhaps he shouldn't ponder it too much.

He could use a drink.


By the time the next day arrived, Aaron had woken with a migraine, a shot glass still in his hands. He rose, a tired groan falling from his lips. Rubbing his head, he hurried to stand up. Fuck, he had things to do.

He grabbed a few papers, organizing them. He hurried to get ready in an at least presentable outfit. He hurried to button his vest, throwing on an overcoat. He grabbed the papers once more, this time rushing out of his house.

It took a few minutes, but he soon arrived. He swung the door open, walking inside the building. Jefferson, who had been having a discussion, looked towards the man, a look of pity almost apparent.

Burr looked exhausted; eye bags heavy, hair a mess- likely un-brushed-, he was stumbling over himself, and from the looks of it, having a hard time keeping his eyes open. "Mr. Burr?"

Your Vice President (Jefferson X Burr)Where stories live. Discover now