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"You've been out all night"


*Flashback continues*

Now being the 30th they were getting ready for Ed birthday. Louis didn't like Ed much as he always seemed to flirt with Harry even though he was clearly taken and anytime spin the bottle has been played at one of his party's he purposely makes it land on him.

As they made it through the doorway Ed had his hands around Harry's waist within a millisecond and Louis probably just gave Ed one of his most deadliest death stares, while all Ed did back was smirk taking Harry with him towards the kitchen full of drinks.
It had now been a couple of hours, Louis had just nipped into the bathroom and Harry was nowwhere to be seen. Just as he was leaving, Ed grabbed his arm and pinned him against the wall just outside the room like he had been waiting for him.
"Sorry to disappoint but I'm not into you like that babe" Louis shot to him and Ed leaned closer to his ear and snarled "Don't worry darling I didn't want you, already had my fun for tonight" His fist clenched trying to hold back "what do you mean by that?" Ed just winked and walked away so Louis was the bigger person and just went to find Harry.

After walking around for what felt like forever, Louis decided to go home believing that's where Harry had gone but he was wrong. It was around 3 am when Harry made it home and Louis was laying in bed waiting for him. The first words spoken were "You've been out all night, I don't know where you been" and he received no answer so with a sterner tone said "Harry, where have you been, I was worried about you".
"I er... I lo...v...e ... youuu" Harry slurred in response followed by "I'm realllyy drunk, did you try the gay Vodka Lou"
To say Louis was confused would be an understatement "Harry you're not making any sense, just come to bed we can talk about this tomorrow".

(That convo never came)

Harry complied but by doing so became the little spoon and Louis spotted the Hickey straight away but chose not to mention it to save the drama.
As he was drifting off Harry began to talk more coherently "Lou I love you remember that please, why do people say we shouldn't be together, are we to young? They keep saying I'm going to grow out of this and that me being like 'this' as they call it, is just a phase and I'm going to find a beautiful girlfriend who I'll make my wife. I'm scared Lou I don't want that, I see you in my future as my husband and our kids running around the garden."
Louis heart fluttered at the last part but just brushed over the rest using the excuse he's drunk and doesn't know what he's talking about. If only he knew what was spoken behind his back.

*Flashback ended*

Louis remained seated on the couch thinking about those 2 days he spent with Niall, when he left that morning before Harry woke up. Louis loves Harry he really does but he continues to wonder why he ever came back to him after what had happened. Oh wait everyone knows why, cause he's a lovestruck fool, who now has tears rolling down his cheeks. And if anyone is wondering why Louis still stayed with him now after the multiple times Harry cheating had occurred well he is just numb to the pain at this point and feels worthless like he can't get nobody else.

Around 20 minutes later Harry walks in to see Louis full on crying so he runs over to find out what's wrong and that's when Louis just cracks and starts saying everything that's gone through his head in the last hour.  Harry sighs defeatedly saying words that are confusing (well to Louis at least) "I think I need to explain"

669 words
Hi guys sorry for the long wait for those who are actually reading this x

Can say hi in the comments would love to know what your thinking so far.

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