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"Tell me pretty lies"

Harry quietly sneaks into their shared apartment thinking that Louis would be asleep by now seeming as it was past 3am. He continued walking towards the kitchen when he suddenly screamed when he saw him sat at the table with a cup of tea that had no steam hovering above it which implies he may have been there a while.
"Shit you scared me" he said as he walked over to give Louis a kiss on the cheek.

"Where you been its late, I made dinner but you didn't even message to tell me that you wouldn't be home for it" Louis looked upset and glanced towards Harry who was looking around anywhere but him.
"Sorry baby my phone died and I went to my mums house like I told you I was doing and it got a bit late so I was just going to stay over but I couldn't sleep properly cause of the neighbours kid crying" he huffed to make it seem more believable " thin walls are really annoying"

"He tries with those pretty lies" he whispered under his breathe remembering a conversation he had with Anne about her being on holiday in Greece for the next month and that was like a week ago so she definitely wasn't in England right now.

He stood in front of Harry while placing a finger under his chin "look at me babe, you know it's rude to not look at the person your talking to". Harry stared right into Louis' eyes as louis spoke just above a whisper "I know when you are lying, how stupid do you think I am, we have been together for 4 years you know"

Yes Harry did feel guilty for what he had actually been doing but he wasn't going to let Louis talk to him like that, like he was going to be intimated by how Louis was acting so without thinking he pushed Louis pretty hard into the counter and angrily spat out the words " if you know I'm fucking lying then you probably know what I was actually doing and you're just trying to get me to say it, I don't even know why you would want me to. I was just trying to spare your feelings but it seems that you don’t want me to do that so fuck you. I was out fucking Taylor, you happy now?"

403 words
Heard this song a lot recently and thought why not.
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