Chapter 9: "My sweet, potato girl."

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Her voice was like an angel's whisper. Or possibly even a cry for help.

"What are you doing here?" She finally managed after a moment, sitting upright on the bed. She looked paler than the last time I had seen her, and her smile just wasn't nearly as prominent. I couldn't even let her know I was smiling because of the mask I had to wear.

"I'm here to see you. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to come back, I was just..." I trailed off, not wanting to admit that I was jealous of her friend who she'd known much longer than me. I also did not want to admit to the fact that she was the reason I wanted to stay alive now. She has been there for me, comforting me since that dark time in my life when no one else had been. Even if we met under these circumstances, she was still the light to my darkness.

My sweet, potato girl.

I took in a deep breath before stepping closer to her and kneeling beside her bed. I grabbed her hands in mine and looked her in the eyes. "Sasha, I know it's probably crazy for me to say this and you may hate me forever, but I need to tell you this. I hope it doesn't change anything-"

I was abruptly cut off by her voice, "Oh, please, just get on with it." Her tone was shaky, almost as though she were nervous. I could never tell if she was or not, she always seemed under control.

I cleared my throat and smiled, though it was hardly noticeable under my mask. "I love you. I love you and your crazy cravings. You and your constant need for food. I will cook and bake for you for the rest of your life if you let me." I chuckled, squeezing her hands a little tighter. "If you'd let me..." I added once more, having made the assumption and prepared for the denial.

Silence followed. Quite a long silence if I might add. It felt as though we were there for hours, just staring at each other, waiting for someone to speak first.

Then, the silence broke. "I love you too, ya dummy." Sasha finally spoke, her face lighting up like a Christmas tree. She still looked as beautiful as ever, and I knew I would love her no matter what happened within the next few months.

I'd pray for her recovery day and night, I'd stay by her side, making sure she had support through the whole thing.

- December, 2022 -

Before I knew it, it was already Christmas. It had been a month since Sasha and I had made it official and I was spending almost every minute with her that I could. Well, except for when I slipped away to get what I needed to make her Christmas present.

Knowing Sasha, I knew the one thing she'd love for a present was some tasty food and desserts. So, in the days leading up to Christmas, I had gathered everything I needed and I got to work making a dinner and dessert that she would not forget anytime soon.

By the time I had finished all the cooking and baking, I had made filet and lobster and different cakes for her to get her hands on. Proud of myself, I wrapped it up and placed a bow on top of it, then headed to the hospital.

To visit Sasha, we had to continue to wear masks or we'd be denied access to her. Her health has been declining every day and they do not want to risk her getting sick from anything in any possible way.

I put my mask on and made my way to her room, knocking on the door once, before walking in. My heart sank when I saw the condition she was in. She had IVs drooping from her arms and she had eyebags under her eyes. She looked worn and her cheeks seemed to be hollowing out. She looked sickly, and I knew I needed to continue to support her no matter what.

"Hey my potato girl. I brought you a Christmas feast." I said, mustering up the courage to sound happy and excited, even though on the inside, it felt like my heart was being torn to pieces. I didn't want her to feel bad because of her condition. She can't help it, and I shouldn't worry right now. She's strong, and I know she will make it through this hiccup in our lives.

She seemed to smile when I said that and she sat up a bit more, smelling the air as I brought the containers over and set them down on the bed in front of her. She didn't talk much anymore. She was on so much medication and the chemo was beginning to hit her hard. It was fine, though, she still reacted in other ways.

"I made you filet and lobster. And lots of cake for you to pick at." I hummed as I began to open the containers. I handed her a fork and watched as she tried to pick up some of the food.

Her hand was shaking and when she tried to use the fork, it seemed as though she was having trouble. She couldn't lift it, and I could tell she was getting frustrated. It hurt my soul, but I simply took the fork from her and lifted it to her mouth. "I got it for you, don't worry." I said softly, making sure she knew it wasn't a burden at all. However, I could tell by the look in her eyes that she was upset and embarrassed.

I never wanted her to feel that way with me around. If I could, I'd do anything to make her more comfortable right now, however it seemed as though her illness was just continuing to worsen and there was nothing I could do to make her feel better.

Well, except one thought that came to mind. If I could just make her happy for the rest of her life... I cleared my throat and kneeled in front of Sasha, a bit of pink dusting my cheeks. "Sasha, I know we have only known each other a short amount of time, but I would like to make you happy for the rest of your life, if you promise to do the same for me." My words held more sorrow than anything else, as even though I prayed for her to get better, I could not be positive she would get better. This was me promising to her that I will love her and be there for the rest of her life, even if it is cut short. 

Maybe I wasn't thinking clearly or maybe she'd think I was crazy for this, but all I've ever wanted was for her to be happy. And if I can make her happy for even a short amount of time, I would do everything in my power to do so. So, despite my worries, and despite the amount of people who will belittle me because I've only known her for a few months, I grasped the courage.

I just want her to be able to be a bride if nothing else. 

"Will you marry me?"

A/N: Sorry it's a bit short, I've been busy with classes. There's about 3 chapters left and they are all planned out. You may want tissues for these last few. Thanks for being patient and thanks for reading!

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