Chapter 9

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I saw my chance and took it. When Bo and Vincent were down stairs I ran to the front door. It was unlocked so I ran out side. I just kept running I didn't look back not even once. I made it to the woods and thought to keep running but I probably wouldn't make it. I decided to hide deep into the woods where the truck couldn't fit so if they were to come after me it'd have to be on foot. Maybe I could eventually make it to the car. So I sat there for a little bit and then would walk some more then I'd stop and then I'd walk some more. I was literally walking all day and it was starting to get dark which is good and bad. Good because they won't be able to see me and bad because now I can't fucking see. If it wasn't for the moonlight I'd be waking in pitch black. I saw the road and my heart started beating really fast. I ran to the road and the car was locked of course. I saw a car coming and I waived my hands in the air asking for help. It couldn't be Bo because I would have heard the truck in the woods. The car literally passed right by me. FUCK. What am I supposed to do ? And then the absolute worse thing possible could have happened. When the car passed, a light shined on me out of the corner of my eye. I turned and it was Bo with a fucking flash light in his hand. He had a big creepy smile on his face and still didn't have a shirt on. How long was he looking for me? Out of reaction, I got on my knees and begged him to not kill me. "Please Bo I'm sorry I got scared! Don't kill me or torture me please. You broke me ok? You win I'm not gonna mess with you anymore ! Just take me back. I'll stay in my room and be good!" I cried. Bo just stood there with the flash light on me for a minute. Watching me plead he said "your gonna go back to the house with me. Your gonna cook, clean, do wash, whatever I tell ya, and your gonna listen and be good, ya understand?" I nodded when he said this and said "I understand, whatever you say. I promise." This was my fate. I was out of time and this was all I could do. I was going to learn how to live with my sick psycho capturer and there was nothing I could do about it.

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