Chapter 4

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My heart was beating out of my chest. This was almost like a nightmare and I was hoping I was just gonna wake up back in Nicole's care and we would be at the concert. Of course not. I got to the town and was trying to open and knock on everyone's door but everything seemed closed. It was weird not even an hour ago everything was open. Did everything close when it got dark? Anyways, I didn't waste time and usually a church was always open so I ran into the church. I started yelling for these people to help me but that just sat there in place. The same priest was giving me the same judgmental look but not moving. No one was moving. So I went to grab one of the lady's arm to see if I was hallucinating and her fucking arm fell off and it was a real ducking arm with tendons and all types of shit connected still. What in the actual fuck is this? I just started crying and then I heard Bo'a truck pull up. I looked around and hid under the priest's cloak. He wouldn't look under there. I hear Bo open the door and start top toeing around. He was quiet but he wasn't trying to be super quiet. "Little pig little pig where are you?" He sang. He's a sadistic fuck. Out of all the men I could want why'd I pick the psycho. "Come out or I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll..." all of a sudden it was quiet. I stopped breathing and thought I was gonna throw up. And then boom "blow your house down!" Bo said as he tried to grab me underneath the cloak. I darted out of the church with him running not far behind me. I got a couple yards away from the church and then I was tackled to the ground. I swear I saw my life flash before my eyes! I was so scared! I started yelling "help! Someone help me please!" I looked up and saw an old woman looking out her window and Bo saw her too. He put his forearm over my neck to restrict me from yelling anymore and was straddled on top of me. This entire time he was smiling. Like I said sadistic fuck. "There there now stop it! Shut your fucking mouth! Your the loudest person I've ever heard!" He yelled as he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. Bo carried me back to the shop and turned on the radio that was playing Chelsea Smiles by Bring Me The Horizon. I seriously don't get how I didn't just die of a heart attack while this was happening. I continued to fight tho and I slammed my hands on his and back. Kicked my legs to maybe see if he would lose his grip with all of this going on and he didn't falter. Not even once. I wonder if he still had a smile on his face or not. He took me down to the basement of the shop and slammed me down into a chair. I started trying to get up and he only just slammed me back down. He was so strong it was almost incredible if I didn't hate him right now. Bo held my top part with his one arm and started strapping my arms to the chair with his other arm. My arms were restrained with a rubber strap that was connected to the chair and then he duct taped them to the chair on top of the straps. Then he duct taped my legs together. He came behind me after everything and held my mouth shut with one hand and had a what looked like super glue in his other hand. "You see this? Huh?" As he continued to struggle to keep my head still "it's ducking super glue and if you don't stop screaming I'm going to fucking super glue your mouth shut!" I stopped immediately and looked up at him. He walked around to the front of me out of breath just like I was. He bent down and put his hands on his knees and breathed for a few seconds. "Whooo that was fun huh?" I was crying. "I'm sorry this had to happen to you but you city girls will never understand, shit happens." He laughed after he said that. I just stared at him. "Go ahead you can talk just don't ducking scream anymore." He said. "Are you going to kill me?" I whispered. Not to be too loud just incase. "No I wasn't planning on it but that depends on how good you cooperate. Tho I do like the chase and all. The struggling that shit makes my dick so fucking hard." He said in the most calm voice again. "Are you going to torture me?" I said. He just looked at me and had a shit eating grin on his face. "Hmmm torture. That's a good idea but that depends if you'll find it torture or not." He said. I looked at him like he was crazy and said "what the fuck does that even mean? Torture is torture no matter what! And what happened to my friends? Where are they? Are they dead? Omfg why is this happening to me?!?" I was hysterical. "I just wanted to go to a fucking concert and for you to help us! Why are you doing this?!?!" Bo just stared at me and walked up to me. He went to wipe away my tears and I jerked my face from him. Obviously he didn't like that and smacked my face. It wasn't super hard but just enough to show me his power. Still scared the fuck out of me. "Your friends are unfortunately part of the museum now." He said as he lit a cigarette. My blood felt like it was literally boiling. All I could think about is how I felt horrible about leaving them there. I should have forced them to come and I would have sat in the back with the dead deer. It's weird when people die you think of every scenario that you could have did to prevent things from happening. It's my fault. I'm the one who wanted to go to this stupid concert in the first place. I started getting myself so mad my body took over and I spit in his face. My body froze. That was a horrible idea. Bo grabbed my face as hard as he could that I'm sure it left finger bruises on my cheeks. The inside of my cheeks definitely were bleeding from how hard he was pushing them against my cheeks. He pried my mouth opened. Then he spit right into my mouth and held my mouth shut. "Swallow." I wouldn't. "Swallow now or I'll make sure you can't open your mouth again!" I swallowed. "That's a good girl. Now don't ever do that shit again. Not gonna promise I won't but your not me. And well your also not in the position to make any decisions." He bursted out laughing. What I'm the actual fuck is wrong with this man. For some reason tho after everything that was just told me to me and how he pretty much is threatening me every second, I was turned on so ducking bad. Am I insane like him? He could tell I was confused, I never can hide my feelings. "I know this is very confusing. You were supposed to die like your friends. But when we spent that hour together I formed a liking to you. So here you are still alive and well." I was shaking again. "Don't worry Vincent made there deaths very quick. The screaming was probably her seeing Vincent. He's not as nice looking as I am." I rolled my eyes. I need to stop reacting off of impulse. I didn't have anything else to say so I just sat there. I was tired and defeated. Bo left the room and came back in with a bottle of water. He opened it and I heard it snap open so I know it was new. Then he held the water bottle over my mouth and let me drink it for a while half of the bottle spilled all down my neck and chest. "Hey you didn't save me any!" He said as he grabbed the empty water bottle from my hands and pulled my hair so that my head would go back and exposed my neck. Then he licked from my chest all the way up to my chin. I shivered. "Mmm that taste fucking good." He let go of my hair and walked away from me. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I said. He turned around and placed his hands on my restricted arms and put his face up to mine and said "really? What's the matter with me? Your the one who's turned on by a killer. What's wrong with you?" He laughed as he looked back and forth between my mouth and my eyes. My mouth was so close to his that his nose was touching mine. I felt a heat rise in between my legs. My brain was fuzzy. It's probably because I'm so tired. Then he grabbed my leg so fucking hard it made me yell but instead of a yell it was a moan. Bo smiled and whispered "damn I can just touch your leg and make you moan like that? Imagine if I stuck my dick in you? Hmm? You'd like that wouldn't you. You sick girl. I'm a killer and you don't care. If anything that makes your pussy wet even more. I wonder how wet your pussy is right now while I'm talking to you like this? So close to your mouth. I could just stick my tongue in your mouth and show you how it would feel on your pussy. Make you imagine and wonder how my tongue would feel. I know you definitely taste good. Oh we're gonna have so much fun you don't even know." A moan escaped my lips and I didn't even mean to do that. He just smirked and kissed the top of my forehead. I hated him. The shit that he's done and now he's playing mind and body games with me. I'm going to kill him and get out of here. I don't care what my body says I will resist it.

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