"Does she look to be older than 16? She's not that Parker family." Blaze-if I remember correctly- said.

I scoffed at them and stood up, unnoticed. I walked around until I found myself walking up the astronomy tower. I sat down on the edge and looked straight to the 'forbidden forest'. Hmmff, nothings forbidden to me plus it would be perfect for when I want to wolf out.

I heard footsteps coming up the tower so I pulled my hood over my head, it was enchanted to help me blend in when I want to. I saw a male with curly brown hair walk in, frown, search around, and sit down to smoke a cigerette.

I could see he was a slytherin, most of them have the same feeling, though this ones aura was darker and the pain it felt almost made me almost feel bad, Almost.

He seemed oblivious to my presence so I sat back down, feet dangling down the edge. I then heard another set of footsteps and hid in the shadow's.

A professor with Black hair walked in and sighed. "Riddle, it's past curfew. Go to your dorms." he said, I could tell he was unhappy about this school in general.

Riddle nodded and the professor walked away. I was about to leave when the door shut. I rolled my eyes and was about to teleport when a hand grabbed my arm. I went into a defense and pulled out my dagger ,which absorbed magic, holding it to his neck after getting him onto the ground in one move.

"Nice moves," he said and I got off of him. I just teleported to a private dorm, on the female side. I had not spend a few hours mapping this place out in my mind for nothing.

I waved my hand and everything was remodeled according to my taste. I then fell onto my bed, setting an alarm for 7:00 and placing a locking spell on my door, then finally fell asleep.

At 7:00 my alarm went off and I growled. I used magic to dress in my black combat boots, black V-neck, jeans and hoodie.

I made sure to slip a weapon or three in my outfit.

I was given a robe and walked out. "Care for magical animals by Hagrid." I said to myself and started walking to Hagrid's hut.

I took out my phone and dialed Kai. "Sister?" he asked and I smiled. "Yes, just checking in. How's everything going?"

Kai seemed disturbed when he said: "I merged with Lucas, and something happened?"

"Kai, what happened?" I asked confused and concerned for my brother.

"I cried and I-I feel what Bon-bon describes as guilt for doing so?" he stuttered confused.

"That's great, it means you're cured of being a psychopath-" "I like being a psychopath." he cut me off and I sighed. "I know you do, just like I love my advantages I have, but if you feel things like guilt being out of that 'place' has made you better." I said saying 'place' in disgust.

"What do you suggest, I find 'love' and not merge with Jo?" He asked and I laughed: "No, You can still merge with Jo but maybe you should try and find someone who warms your heart. I can't be the only one you care for forever. Now I love you brother but I need to go." I hung up after Kai sighed but agreed to my statement.

I knocked on the hut's door and Hagrid answered. "Who ar you?" he asked and I sighed. "New here, I'm a little early for class as I've noticed but I was wondering about what types of creatures this class handles?" I asked.

"That you'll see soon." he said as he motioned to the other students arriving.

I saw Riddle, who the fuck names their kid Riddle? As well as the 'golden trio' as I've come to know they're known as. Hagrid lead us into the forest and I started making maps of my own looking everywhere.

"You scared?" Ferret asked laughing and I scoffed: "I don't experience things like fear, Ferret." Everyone around us oooh'd while Herminie laughed.

A beautiful black eagle type of thing flew down and Hagrid calmed the thing. He told us how to handle the thing, which's name I forgot.

My eyes wondered the thing as Draco tried and failed to tame it. The thing went wild and I rolled my eyes at the sight but had a little smiled both because Draco got what he deserved and because I was reminded of Kai and mine's little show in killing our family.

We were all led back after that and I had to refrain from biting Draco as he bled. I was going to come back later see what's over there.

The rest of the classes were boring and I was walking to my last class, Defense Against the Dark Arts. What was I supposed to do, fight myself? I scoffed at the thought of a week partner.

We were thought about curses that would not work or, in some cases, would be ineffective on me.

"Miss. Parker and Mr. Potter," Snape called and I rolled my eyes, standing up anyway.

"And go!"
I flicked my wrist faking that the wand did the magic, sending Harry Potter flying into a wall and walking off.

I took out my phone as I teleported to my room, locking it.

Me: Hey? Shit's fine over here, hope you're fine.

   Brother dearest: Everything is fine, just some                  complications.

Me: Thanks.

I decided to go sit on the corner chair in the Slytherin courters or whatever it's called.

"Hey, mudblood!" Draco called for me and I growled. Insulting me was a bad move. "What do you want Ferret?" I asked keeping my growl evident.

"What type of wand do you use?" Blaze asked and I stood up, walking away to the other chair.

Everyone quieted as two boys walked in, one of them was Riddle who made eye contact with me and told his friend that they should come over.

"What's your name Mudblood?" the other asked and I sighed: "I have a name, yes, but calling me what I assume to be an insult will only worsen what I have in plan for idiots who dare to approach me."

Draco's group oooh'd then came closer to hear and see what was going on. "We got a feisty one!" Riddle said laughing.

"Names, dipshits," I said annoyed.

"Mattheo and Tom Riddle sons of 'he-who-must-not-be-named'," Tom said and I scoffed.

"Really? I've read about your father. The nose-less squid ward, Voldemort right?" I asked and heard gasped all around me.

I was then grabbed by the neck by Mattheo. I didn't gasp, no, I looked him straight in the eye and mockingly whispered: "For a child of such a powerful wizard, you sure are weak." before grabbing his hand twisting and choking him to the point where Tom had to pull us from each other.

"Fucking touch me again and I'll skin you quicker than I can slit your throat," I growled and walked away.

I teleported to the forest where I ran into the same eagle-thing. I stared it down and flashed my eyes at it which made it give in and become like a pet, it was even tamer than Hagrid had gotten it to be.

Once I was happy with my ability to tame such creatures I teleported back to my room, showered, got dressed, and went to bed so that I could get some sleep in.

Dreading what was yet to come across my path...

Parker Tribrid and a RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now