dangerous sledding at christmas season

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"Aren't you gonna sleep?" 

Sae-byeok hadn't noticed her girlfriend enter their bedroom, quickly turning off her phone. Ji-yeong eyed her hand with a questioning expression but chose to let it go. "No, I'm not really that tired." 

"Oh, okay," Ji-yeong nodded, sitting with her back facing Sae-byeok as she leaned forward, taking off her black socks. She couldn't stand the feeling of sleeping with socks on. The girl then laid down under their covers, immediately scooting closer to feel the warmth of her girlfriend's body radiating onto her own. Sae-byeok lifted her arm with a light smile, allowing Ji-yeong to wrap her arm around her waist, closing the last space between them. Sae-byeok heard Ji-yeong let out a small sigh with contentment when she rested her head on her chest. "Have you had a good day?" the shorter girl asked. 

"Mhm," Sae-byeok answered, abandoning her phone on the covers beside her to hold the girl in her arms properly. "What about you?" 

"Yeah, it was quite uneventful, though," Ji-yeong said, fighting to keep her tired eyes open. 

Sae-byeok looked down at her, noticing how she was struggling to keep awake. She took a deep breath, before breaking the silence with her deep voice. "I've thought about something recently."

Ji-yeong hummed in response, looking up at her in an attempt to not close those red eyes of hers. 

"You know I've lived on the street. That I've been involved with some-.. not very nice people. Back then I also had a knife. Just a small pocket knife. I didn't use it much, but it was nice to have it as protection. Like the thought of it-

"And you want one again." Even though it probably should have been a question, or at least sounded like it, it wasn't. It was a statement Ji-yeong came with. 

Sae-byeok avoided looking down at the girl, nervous to see her reaction. "I do," she quietly confirmed. 

"But you're not involved with scary people anymore, are you?" Ji-yeong's voice was laced with confusion. "Do you really think it's necessary with protection?

"Who knows," Sae-byeok shrugged, already feeling the girl's disapproval. 

She felt Ji-yeong pull away from her, propping up on her arm so they were facing each other. "To which of the questions is that the answer?" she asked worriedly. 

Sae-byeok looked down, trying to sound casual as she answered, "Um... both?" 

Ji-yeong's eyebrows shot up, looking at her girlfriend with a face that said, 'you better elaborate right now'. "Well, I mean- not on purpose. Like I'm done with them. But they might not be done with me, I don't know, Ji-yeong. I'm just scared they'll do something to me. Or my brother. Even you." 

"And how would a knife help with that exactly?" Ji-yeong asked. Her voice had turned snappier, an obvious sign of how tired she was. 

Sae-byeok ran her finger along the girl's jaw, her eyes focusing on its gentle trail. "People fuck less with people that own a knife, than people that don't." 

Ji-yeong took a deep breath, lying down against her girlfriend again. "Do what you want. Half of the money is yours." She was clearly not a fan of the idea, not the slightest, but she knew she couldn't control Sae-byeok. She was a grown adult that made her own decisions. No matter how stupid they were in Ji-yeong's opinion. 

Sae-byeok was unsure what to do. She had hoped Ji-yeong would have understood. That she would have supported her idea. But apparently not. Guess the idea would have to stay on stand-by for a little. 

but she survived | sae-byeok x ji-yeongWhere stories live. Discover now