staying "home" leads to talks

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Ji-yeong had not lied when she said the new hotel was better. Their room was much bigger than the last one. The first thing the shorter girl had done when they arrived was throw herself onto the giant bed. It felt so soft underneath her body, almost like she was sinking into pure comfort. Sae-byeok had chosen to take a closer look at the room instead, finding out the bathroom was almost the same size as the room itself. There were two sinks, both shower and bathtub, and everything was made out of marble. Sae-byeok couldn't resist smelling the shampoo, letting out a relieved sigh, when it actually did smell like roses. In the room, they had a television, too. A massive flat-screen that Ji-yeong had turned on, and was now surfing through the channels. 

"This is relaxation," Ji-yeong stated, lying with her arm underneath her head. 

Sae-byeok nodded, agreeing with her silently. "What time is it?" 

"Um," Ji-yeong hummed, searching for any type of clock around her. "It is... almost nine." 

"I'm fucking exhausted. I think that man drained any kind of energy I had in my body with that smile." Sae-byeok crawled onto the bed, her voice almost whiny as she complained. Without further thought, she placed herself practically on top of Ji-yeong, resting her head on the girl's shoulder, before closing her eyes. 

"He wasn't that bad-" Ji-yeong laughed, stroking the girl's head, while her focus was still on the tv. 

Sae-byeok didn't let her finish before simply saying. "Yes, he was." 

"If you're going to bed now, shouldn't you change into something else other than those jeans and the sweatshirt? That is not comfortable to sleep in, trust me." Ji-yeong looked down at her, but she didn't answer. Ji-yeong wasn't sure if she had already fallen asleep or she was just ignoring her, but no matter what couldn't Ji-yeong stop the smile that was creeping onto her pink lips. 


Ji-yeong fluttered her eyes open, about to stretch her tired body, when she felt a weight on her chest. A smile appeared on her face when she immediately knew what exactly this weight was. Sae-byeok. The name made an excitement spread through her whole body. Expecting to see her with closed eyes and in a heavy sleep, Ji-yeong looked down. But to her surprise, she was lying with a faint smile, while looking out the big glass door they had in their room, which lead to a small balcony. "How long have you been awake for?" Ji-yeong asked, tightening the grip she already had on the girl's long body. 

"I don't know," Sae-byeok honestly answered, her gaze still focused on the beautiful view outside. 

Ji-yeong leaned down to press a kiss to her forehead, Sae-byeok closing her eyes when her lips got in contact with her skin. "So you've just- laid there?" Ji-yeong asked. 

"It's pretty outside, don't you think?" Sae-byeok asked, her hands were gently caressing the girl's sides.

Her head was resting just above Ji-yeong's heart. Ji-yeong was a bit worried about that, though, because with Sae-byeok's hands running up and down her sides like that, her heart unwillingly started beating twice as quick. She just wished the taller girl hadn't noticed. But she had.

Ji-yeong turned her head in the direction of the door. "It is, yeah." 

"Can we just stay here at the hotel today, please?" Sae-byeok asked, gliding her hands underneath Ji-yeong's back so she could hold her in an embrace. 

"Of course," Ji-yeong answered, leaning further into the girl so her mouth was touching the shell of her ear. "But I really need to use the bathroom." 

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