649 : Magic Heart Stone

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Facing the dull black eyes, a sad emotion arose in her heart for some reason, she nodded silently without saying anything.

The fragrance of tea lingered, the light on the top of the mountain turned from day to dim, and a few candles suddenly lit up in the room.

Wen Qiao looked at the lights, and wondered in her heart that this obsession of an unidentified fairy, acting more and more like her husband, was a little doubtful whether it was because she found out what she thought and thought. The hallucinations presented directly.

From dawn to dark, from dark to dawn, there is always the fragrance of tea.

Wen Qiao didn't know how long he had been sitting here with him until he took out a red bead with the size of a baby's fist and handed it to her.

"What is this?" Wen Qiao asked curiously.

The man still laughed without saying a word, but handed it forward, beckoning her to accept it.

Wen Qiao stared at him for a long while, and slowly stretched out his hand to take the bead.

The moment it started, a majestic force poured in. If she hadn't cut the connection with the red bead in time, Wen Qiao felt that she might be bursting with the power in the bead.

There is a very powerful power in this bead, and this power inexplicably makes her feel very kind.

She looked at the man opposite in astonishment.

The man said softly: "Aha, I'm glad to see you here again..."

As the man's words fell, the surrounding space began to collapse. The man sitting there was still looking at her with a smile, and along with the collapsed space, it turned into tens of thousands of fragments and dissipated between the heavens and the earth.

Wen Qiao grasped the red bead and watched him disappear without blinking, a sorrow and melancholy surged in her heart.


"Sister Aqiao, are you okay?"

The teacher's lifeless voice sounded, awakening Wen Qiao who was immersed in consciousness.

She looked up blankly, and the first thing she saw was the endless plain. The barren mountain that appeared abruptly on the plain has disappeared. There were still many people around, the cultivators who had just climbed to the top of the mountain together.

This group of cultivators are all a dazed look, as if they have not recovered from a certain consciousness.

Wen Qiao's gaze fell on Shi Wuming, and he was very clear-headed compared to those cultivators who were not spiritual.

Feeling the red bead tugged in the palm of my hand, Wen Qiao paused, put it into the storage bag before no one noticed it, and then asked the teacher lifeless: "Brother Shi, you saw it on the top of the mountain just now what?"

Shi Wuming sighed: "There is only one broken house and nothing."

Wen Qiao turned to ask the others.

Xu Zhaozhao said, "There are many magic weapons in the house, but only one person is allowed to take one."

"There are also many exercises in it, and only one type is allowed."

"I saw a lot of fairy grass planted in the yard of the house on the top of the mountain, but unfortunately only one plant was dug."

"and also……"

A group of people talked about it, and they quickly confirmed that there were treasures on the top of the barren mountain just now. Although there were restrictions on the number, the number of people here was quite large. It was obvious that there were a lot of treasures in the houses on the top of the mountain.

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