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The moment you realize that your crush doesn't like you is when they keep talking about somebody else. You always hope and keep on hoping but then it just goes to waste. It was all for nothing when they admit to actually liking the other person. You think that your crush is giving out hints that they like you but after all, they just think of you as friends... all you think about when you are going to sleep is them, only THEM. After you figure out they don't like you in the same way you like them, it is hard thinking that they are thinking about somebody completely different from you when they are going to sleep. You are only a friend to them, a friend for them to talk to when nobody else is there. Sometimes that little piece of hope in your heart isn't worth considering, it will just lead you on so you can figure it out the hard way. Then you realize that you are unlikeable and that you are just a friend to everybody that you think has feelings for you.

I know that this was short, but hopefully some people can relate to it and not feel alone. 🙃


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