Oh no, this is bad

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"I'll start with weakest link, it's clearly, you" Aurora pointed out Tecna. "Hey! None of us are weak!" Stella yelled. 

"Ice Cude!" Aurora formed a square cube around the Winx and Roxy expect Tecna. "Tecna, be careful" Aisha said. 

"Blinding Light!" Stella formed a spell and threw it at the ice cube. The cube took in the spell and glowed yellow. 

Aurora laughed as she glowed yellow. "She formed a yellow ball and threw it at Tecna. "Logical Shield!" It wasn't strong enough and pushed Tecna back. 

"Freezing Lighting!" Tecna blasted her spell. Aurora glowed white and the spell bounced off Aurora to the ice wall. 

"We have to stop this" Aisha said. "How? We can't get out" Roxy said. "Yes, we can" Musa said. 

"Snows Melody!" Musa called upon her special spell and glowed red and waves of sound blasted out from Musa. 

The Winx and Roxy heard a calming strong voice within the spell. The ice cube glowed a red. "What" Musa gasped. 

Aurora chuckled as she glowed red. 

Musa's Lovix flashed away. Aurora formed a red ball and threw it at Tecna. 

"That cube is taking in your spells and giving them to Aurora!" Tecna yelled quick. Tecna glowed a green color, "Chill Breath!" Tecna threw her special spell at the spell Aurora threw and the two spells hit and disappeared. Tecna's Lovix flashed away. 

"Lost your pretty crystal wings?" Nebula smirked. 

"We have to stop this" Flora said. "We can't break this cube" Roxy said. "It's getting kind of cold" Bloom shivered. 

"It's not cold at all" Musa said. "Lovix, it protected you from the cold, your being affected now that you don't have it anymore" 

"It doesn't effect Earth Fairies; you're not earth fairies" Roxy said. "Why are you being affected, you have the Dragon Fire, that created the universe" 

"I'm starting to feel it now" Musa said. Bloom shivered. "Aurora! Stop this at once!" Roxy yelled. "Oh, Roxy, not happening, if you ditch the Winx and come with me and bring the White Circle, I'll free them and they'll live, if not, they'll die of the cold" Aurora said. 

Aurora put Tecna in the ice cube. "I can try and start a light source; it'll have some heat" Stella said. "It won't work Stel, this place is too cold, your light power won't have enough heat" Aisha said. 

"I don't know what to do, if I don't go with Aurora, Bloom, Musa, and Tecna will die from the cold" 

"No, they won't" Bloom said shivering. Bloom lifted her head and left her arms fall. She glowed an orange, red color. She closed her cyan eyes and opened to them a burning red. 

"Dragon Fire of Domino!" Bloom shouted and glowed more so much her hair caught fire. A red dragon appeared around Bloom and out of the ice cube circling it. 

The ice cube glowed a red and orange and suddenly melted. 

"How?!" Aurora and Nebula gasped. 

Bloom stopped glowing and her dragon disappeared. Bloom's eyes turned back to the cyan color. 

"Bloom, you did it" Stella smiled. Bloom groaned and held her head and fell down onto the ice floor. 

"Oh, poor fire fairy, used to much power when she was already weak" Nebula. 

"Bloom, wake up" Flora shock Bloom. 

"Okay, okay, I'll go with you, just let them live" Roxy begged. "No, Roxy!" The Winx yelled expect Bloom. 

"You have the White Circle?" Aurora asked. "Yes" Roxy showed it on her finger" 

"Teleport" Aurora said and Roxy glowed and faded away. "No! Roxy!" Musa gasped. Roxy was now gone. 

"I keep my word" Aurora said. "Teleport!" Aurora said and the Winx all glowed and started to fade. 


The Winx appeared in a park hidden from people. The Winx were standing while Bloom laid on the grass. 

"Bloom please wake up" Tecna said. A chuckle came from the trees. "Looks like we don't have to get our hands dirty Wizards" Orgon said. 

"Finally, out of hiding?" Aisha said. "Have fun with Aurora, she has no heart, well a one of ice" Duman said. 

"Where's Roxy at Winx?" Anagan asked. "None of your business" Flora said. Gantlos glowed a black color. 

The Winx didn't see Bloom also glowed back and disappeared. The unconscious Bloom appeared in Orgon's arms. 

"Give us your wings and power and we'll return Bloom, safe and sound" He smirked and disappeared.  

"No, no, no!" Flora said with tears. "First Roxy now Bloom" Tecna said sad. "How are we going to tell Sky, that Bloom used so much power making her unconscious and now kidnapped" Stella asked. 

"Oh god, and Roxy" Aisha said. 

"Ethereal Fairies" Musa called out. Nothing happened. 

Suddenly they appeared. "Winx, you have a difficult mission to face now, you must save Bloom and get Roxy back, but there is something that Roxy forgot, she is the Princess, Queen Morgana's daughter, Queen Morgana erased her memory when the wizards when they attacked" The blue one said and they disappeared.  

"That could change Roxy's view if she finds out" Tecna said. 

"We have to find the boys and tell them" Musa said. The Winx were out of fairy form and started walking. 

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