The Power of Sophix

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Diana and her guards formed in the air hovering over Gardenia. "What happened here?" A fairy asked shocked. 

"Humans destroyed nature, not to worry, nature shall live again!" Diana said and glowed green with a green bubble around her. 

Large vines broke from the ground wrapping around buildings, picking up cars. "Nature, take back what was taken! Make these humans pay!" Diana said. 

"Diana, what happens when those fairies show up?" A fairy asked. "They won't stand a chance, I'm a Major Fairy, their nothing to my powers"


"What do you think will happen?" Timmy asked. "It's still hard to believe the Ethereal Fairies of Gifts and belief, gave you a gift!" Roxy said. 

"You must have read a lot about them" Aisha said. "Oh, I did, they were like gods to us earth fairies" Roxy said. 

"Did you guys here that?" Musa asked. "Hear what?" Brandon asked. Musa walked to the window. "It must be my--" Musa was saying until a large vine broke through window and wrapped around her. 

"Musa!" Riven ran to her trying to help free her. Flora closed her eyes and focused on the vine, nothing happened. 

"I can't get free" 

Flora ran to the vine and placed her hand on it. "My powers aren't working!" 

Flora formed vines from the ground that wrapped around the thick vine pulling on it. "I don't want to hurt you" Flora said. 

Bloom placed her hand on the vine and heated herself up a little so the vine would feel the heat. The vine let go of Musa and wrapped around the walls. 

"I'm a nature fairy and my powers did nothing" 

"Diana" Roxy gasped. "This is her doing" 

"We better head out and find her" Bloom said. The boys got into their uniforms and so did the Winx. 

the 13 of them walked out and around seeing nature took over. "This is terrible" Flora said. "I thought you loved nature?" Riven said. "I do! Nature isn't like this" 

"Roxy" A voice said. A fairy flew down to them. "Diana" 

"Stop this, nature should not be used like this" Roxy said. "Have these people changed your sense of being an earth fairy?" 

"No, enough with this! Don't hurt innocent humans" 

"They forgot about us! So now they shall pay!" Diana said and the green ball formed around her and the trees formed into these tall nature giants. 

"Winx Believeix!" 

"Roxy transform" Roxy said. 

They flew up into the air. 

"Harmonic Wave!" 

"Light Punch!" 

"Logical Blast!"

"Water Rising Punch!"  

"Fire Flare" 

"Natural Attack!" The Winx combined their attacks at one of the giants. Nothing stopped it. "Our powers don't effect them" Aisha said. 

"Falcon Claw!" Roxy blasted one, nothing worked. "They're totally immune to us" 

Bloom gasped, "But not to the Gift of Wisdom" 

"Winx, Sophix!" 

A glow appeared in front of the Winx; the Ethereal Fairies

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A glow appeared in front of the Winx; the Ethereal Fairies. 

"Winx, you have called upon the Gift of Wisdom, Sophix, you each have a very special spell with Sophix" The Blue one said. 

"Bloom the Inner Flame, Stella Drop of Light, Musa Pure Harmony, Aisha Vital Beat, Tecna Superior Order, and Flora Breath of Nature, you may only use these once then the Gift of Wisdom shall be used" The green one said and they diseappered. 

"Guess why it's called the Gift of Wisdom" Timmy said. "Alright, plant monsters, lets dance" Stella said. 

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