Diana's Revenge

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"Winx, go and find Diana! We'll take care of these things" Riven said. "We need to stay together, separating isn't a good idea!" Flora said. 

A nature creature raised it's hand to the Winx. "Shield of Natural Light!" Stella formed a shield. "Can we please make a plan? We can't split, the Winx are the only ones who have the power that is equal to Diana's" Roxy said. 

"Flora, Tecna, Musa, Roxy go and find Diana, Aisha, Stella, and I will stay with the specialists" Bloom said. 

"I know where her kingdom is, the Amazon" Roxy said. "Be careful okay?" Helia said to Flora. Stella let the shield fall. 

"Go, we got this now" Brandon said. "Zoomix!" Musa, Tecna, and Flora said changing their wings. Flora grabbed Roxy's had and they diseappered into purple sparkles. 


Purple sparkles formed and the four appeared on the grass. "The Amazon, it's beautiful" Flora said. Flora touched a tree, "I feel so much energy, Diana's magic, it's really strong" Flora said. 

"Now that she's returned, the Amazon is growing back, healing" Tecna said. "Where would she be?" Musa asked. "Maybe the Sacred Sprout" Roxy said. 

"The what now?" Musa asked. "It's Diana's source of power, when a Earth fairy is declared a Major Fairy, they earn a power source" Roxy explained. 

"The Sacred Sprout, can we like disable it?" Tecna asked. "It's not a phone, Tec, it's a powerful natural source" Flora said. 

"But, the closer we get to it, Diana grows stronger" Roxy said. "Great, can we somehow block it's connection to Diana for a few minutes?" Musa asked. 

"Your a genius Musa! We can do that and bring the connection to us, she'll still have magic but not enough to stop us from controlling what she did to Earth and we can convince her to stop her revenge" 

"How though?" Roxy asked. "Our special spells, if we combine them--" Flora was saying. "Wouldn't be worth your time or energy" A voice said. The Winx and Roxy gasped as vines wrapped around them. 

Diana appeared in a green bubble. "I heard your little plan, I will not let any of you near the Sacred Sprout" She said. 

"This isn't the way, Diana! We're here to help, we don't do revenge, we want to stop the Wizards but not like this!" Roxy said.  

"Roxy, you've been possessed by these...pests" Diana said looking at Flora, Tecna, and Musa in disgust. 

"Where your other friends? Lets take a little look" Diana said with a smirk and formed a green glow floating next to her and the other Winx and specialists fighting the monsters. 

"You think new outfits can help? Weak" She said. 

"Don't hurt them" Musa said. "I won't, but my beautiful creatures will" 

Diana waved her hand. "I'll bring them to you soon, have fun in my temple"

The Winx and Roxy diseappered into Diana's temple prison. 


"Natural Fire!" Bloom threw an attack at the creature. It roared in pain. Helia formed his yellow ropes around the creature then pulled then and the creature fell down. 

"Natural Water Ropes!" Aisha formed morphix around the creature keeping it down. 

"Now that's taken care off, shouldn't we head to the Amazon?" Nabu said. "The others might need--" Bloom was saying until, Stella's, Aisha's, and her wings started glowing. 

"What's going on?" Stella asked. "Remember when we were on Tir Nan Og? When Bloom needed help, our wings glowed" 

"Let's go, Zoomix!" The three said changing their wings and grabbing the specialists. 

They appeared in the Amazon on the grass. "How are we going to find them?" Riven asked. "The past! Our Tracix wings" Stella said. 

"Tracix!" The trio said and their wings changed and a pink barrier formed. They saw everything, Diana appearing. 

The Tracix wings diseappered. "They were taken to her Temple" Aisha said. "Roxy said something about a Sacred Sprout, Diana's power source" Stella said. 

"Lets find the others then deal with that" Bloom said and flew up into the air. A green ball hit Bloom sending her to the grass and dirt. 

"Bloom!" Sky called and ran to her. Vines wrapped around the specialists legs and Stella and Aisha. 

"Natural Light!" Stella tried to form a spell. "Don't waste your energy or do I don't care" Diana said flying down. 

"You'll join your friends that decided to trespass as well" Diana said. Diana walked over to Bloom whom was still laying in the grass. 

As Diana got closer to Bloom she felt weird energy. "What..." Diana whispered. Diana placed her hand on Bloom's shoulder and felt the Dragon Fire's energy rushing through Bloom's veins. 

Diana jumped back. "That...power" 

"If Queen Morgana gets this...we'll be unstoppable" 

"Do not touch her!" Stella yelled. Diana waved her hand sending the specialists, Stella, Aisha, and a passed out Bloom to her dungeon. 


Diana diseappered to her temple. "Queen Morgana" She called. "Yes, Diana?" Queen Morgana said appearing in Diana's green orb. 

"This fairy, red head, her power is great, it's the strongest power I've ever felt..." 

"I'm going to get it for you, my Queen, you'll be--" 

"Diana, I appreciate you letting me know... that is Bloom keeper of the Dragon Fire, I sense her presence everyday, I might the Queen of Earth fairies but her power created all magical life itself" 

"She can't be stronger than you... can she?" Diana asked. "We'll have to get her on our side with Roxy" 

"How? She won't, she doesn't believe in revenge" Diana said. "If it comes to it...by force, us a friend" 

"Or a boyfriend" Diana smirked. 


*Cough cough* Remember Nabu fighting Diana *Cough cough*


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