Naruto's eye twitched. "I said most people! Ahem, anyway, I decided to stop once I became a shinobi but every legend ends his journey with a bang, so that's what I'm doing." He turned around to walk forward once more. "I'm going to pull an epic last prank and you're going to help me."

Nori stopped walking with wide eyes. "W-what? I didn't agree to help you with a prank—"

"Oh, oh! Over there!" He was excitedly tugging on her wrist now and dragging her a shop. He pulled her to the side of the shop and pulled down a hidden ladder before climbing up, motioning for her to follow him up as well. She handed him the bucket of glue and hesitantly climbed up the ladder as well and when she got to the top she was standing on the roof of the shop.

She turned to Naruto. "Hey, is this safe to be up-what are you doing?" Her teammate was leaning over the edge of the roof with a large grin as he tipped the bucket over slightly. She ran to his side quickly and he handed her the open bag of feathers before pointing below them.

"I'm going to pour the glue on them and then you're going pour the feathers on them right after, okay?" He said turning to her as she looked to see who he was pointing at.

Her stomach dropped when she realized who Naruto's targets were. "Those are Jounin, Naruto! We can't—" But it was too late, he was already pouring the glue on top of them.

He dropped the bucket and turned to her with wide eyes. "The feathers! Do the feathers!" She opened her mouth to protest but he grew impatient and smacked the bag of feathers in her hands causing it to tip over and the feathers to fly out, landing directly on the glue soaked Jounin below them.

There was a shocked silence as the Jounin took a moment to realize what happened before the three men all looked upwards sharply with harsh glares as they trembled with rage.

"You, with the red hair!"

Nori paled when she realized that they were pointing at her.

She turned to the left. "Naruto—" That bastard.

He bailed, leaving her to take the blame.




It was two days after that whole incident that Nori was walking through the town gathering groceries from the small payment she received from the last mission they completed when she saw her.

It was a girl who looked about a year or two older than Nori. She had long black hair that reached her waist and blunt bangs, and she had bright blue eyes. Her kimono was also long and dragged on the ground after her slightly, the layers of different blue shades making her skin seem pale. She stuck out greatly against the earthly colours the Konoha people wore. The pretty girl suddenly came to a stop and turned to the side causing Nori to catch sight of the symbol displayed proudly on the girls back.

The Noboru Clan.

Nori's breath left her and she stumbled backwards with wide eyes. Oh god no. Please no. Spinning around so fast that her vision blurred the red haired started to run in the opposite direction of the girl, stopping only when a hand gripped her wrist.

"Give me your bag—" Nori turned her head quickly and glared harshly at the shinobi with the Amegakure headband on who was attempting to steal her groceries. She used her free hand and took hold of his wrist, prying it away from her arm before leaning in close to him, her eyes narrowed.

My Ninja Way | Naruto | DISCONTINUEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora