Chapter One

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"What do we do how do we survive?" A guy name Oliver asked. 

"We survive how we always do, by looking out for each other." I started my speech looking at everyone in the room. "The world as we know is about to vanish food and water will be scarce a safe place to sleep will be scarce but if we want to survive we need to do it together no turning on each other no petty fighting. No one can be selfish and we can't think about only ourselves because if we do we will fall apart and their will be no reason to survive. Because what's the point of surviving if you are on your own with no one to look out for or no one to look out for you? So do we agree that we will all stick together?" I ask finishing my speech. 

A chorus of 'yeah' and 'of course' and 'go Tribrid' was heard. I walk over to Harley and Juliet just in time to hear Harley say. "Why does she always makes speeches?" 

"Because that's how to get them to listen" I said scaring her.

"Athena don't do that you almost gave me a heart attack." Juliet says putting her hand over heart. I just smiled. 

"Guys can I be honest with you for a second." I asked looking around to make sure no ones listening. When they gave me a nod I continued. "I don't know what to do. I've been preparing for this for most of my life but I always thought they would be by my side through all of this. I always thought they would hold my hand and guild me through. But now that they're not here I-I I don't know if I can do this." I said trying to stop the tears from coming out. Both of the girls  pulled me in for a hug. "How am I supposed to be this leader who makes all the decisions when I couldn't even ask Alicia for her number." That made them laugh. 

"It seems like no matter what you are always thinking about Alicia" Juliet tried to joke. 

"I think it was more than a crush I think I was in love with her." I admitted when the tears finally stopped. Luckily everyone left the room before they started. 

"I wish life was different. I wish you and Alicia could've fell in love together and have children. I wish me and Juliet could've had children." Harley Admitted wiping her tears. 

"Maybe we still can what if by some bizarre way we see Alicia again and we fall in love. Once the new world becomes our new normal we could find a way to have children and be happy. Raise them so this is there new normal." I said trying to stay positive. 

"Enough with this Sappy stuff we need to gather more supplies." Harley says "I'll go to the hospital see what I can find." 

"I'll go to the library do more research to see what I can find." says Juliet. 

"And I'll go in between by going to the school see what I can find whats useful and do research to see what I can find. Meet up back here?" I said. We all nod our heads than went off.

(...)                                                           (...)                                                          (...)

I was still walking around the school. I found canned food, medicine, first aid kit, and books that I thought might be useful. Suddenly I hear Madison say "arty no" I ran to her voice just in time to see 'Arty' attack Tahbias. Thinking fast I tackle him down the stairs and stab him in the head with the knife I always carry. 

"Athena" Madison says. "Wha how did you know what to do?" She asks

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me and a lot of things you don't know about what he was." I replied. 

"You need to come with me." She says.

"No I-"

"I wasn't asking." She states sternly. 

"Fine but i'm not staying" I said getting in her car. I figured it would be best if i went so I can explain what's happening and how to survive.  I sent a quick text to the girls and told them what i'm doing. 

(...)                                 (...)                                           (...)

Madison walked in the house before me. 

"What took you so long?" Alicia asked. Than I walked in.

"Shut the door." Madison said to me and i listened." 

"What are you doing here." Alicia asks. 

"She's staying here awhile." Madison answered. 

"No i'm not I told you I can't stay." I replied. 

"Well than why are you here." Alicia asked me. 

"I need to talk to Madison alone." I said. 

"Come this way." She said guiding me to a different room. When we got in there she told to talk. 

"So let me get straight to the point the world you know isn't totally gone but it's close. The dead will start walking the only way to kill them is through their head. The way it starts is through a bite. You get bitten, you become sick, you die, you become a walker. Food, water, and a safe place to sleep is going to get scarce so you need to find all those things fast. Be safe." and with that I left about to leave out the door when Alicia caught my hand. 

"What's going on." She asked. 

"it's not my place to tell you, the only thing i can tell you is to keep your family close because you're going to need them." With that I left out the door and went to my friends. 


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⏰ Última atualização: Nov 02, 2021 ⏰

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