{9} Rynn's Prophecy

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Help Gryndl. Please, help me.

But her mental cry was blocked. She felt it rebound back into her mind with such force, she winced.

The tendril in her forehead penetrated still deeper into her mind, pursuing another prophecy without Anya's consent.

"No!" she cried aloud. "No, I will not let you!" She fought against the entity. "I refuse to see anymore. Let me go!"

The tendril was stronger than she, as it was controlled by the entity. Under the entity's power, it would stay in her mind until released. She may have been able to release the other tendrils but not this one. This one had staying power that would show her things against her will.

The entity was determined that she would learn future events. Something it wanted her to see. To defeat her? Perhaps. Or to render her powers inert. Make her lose faith in the First King.

Anya whispered a prayer. "O King, may you live forever, please come to my aid. I am in need of your help."

The entity spoke not a word. Nor did it rebuke her for praying out loud. She assumed it was off somewhere in some distant dark corner, hiding, licking its wounds, Anya surmised. The image that came into her mind, softened the entity into nothing more than a spoiled child wanting its way.

Anya knew in an instant who the entity was. She had not thought him capable of such power but if he was truly who she thought he was, then heaven help Halil. But she had no time to reveal her knowledge, as she was plunged into another prophetic vision.

This prophecy showed her a far, distant future, revealing Realms Anya was not acquainted with in her lifetime. In Granna's stories, all twelve Realms had existed in the ancient days. It appeared they would do so again.

Mists clouded her vision. On a night, darker than dark, Anya could not see anything save the shadowy gray Mists.

Then the sound of hooves shook the ground. Light appeared in the distance. Flickering light only fire can produced. Anya concluded someone or several someones were carrying torches while riding Steeds at top speed.

A woman, veiled and clothed in heavy cloaks soon revealed herself. It became all too apparent she was being chased by several men on Steeds. The woman, large with child, glanced backward in panic.

No matter how she urged the Steed on, the animal could not outrun the men. It's neck, flecked with foam and sweat conveyed exhaustion. The Steed's eyes rolled back with fear from both his mistress and the men behind them.

The woman urged the Steed to go faster. She leaned as close to his ear as her rotund belly would allow and whispered unheard words. The Steed's ears pricked forward, now interested in the road ahead.

Anya silently rooted for the woman without understanding the reason behind the chase. She could not see the woman's eyes which would tell her of what Realm she resided in. Nothing gave her any clue about this prophecy save the runaway Steed being chased.

It was obvious the men meant to do the woman harm. They shouted words in a language Anya did not recognize. Knowing the ways of men who had downed too much ale, she assumed most of the words were unsavory ones.

The road curved and twisted without warning. Anya noted thorns protruded from the trees. Out of the tips of the thorns dripped a dark liquid. Large drops splashed onto the road causing the Steed to shy away. Whatever the liquid contained, it had to be something deadly.

The current provided the answer. Poison. Judging from the flare of the Steed's nostrils, he scented the poison easily.

The men behind the woman shouted obscenities, some of which Anya was beginning to understand. Courtesy of the tendrils, the language was becoming clear to her.

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