38- Just call her!

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"Seriously? Seriously!"

Rory moved the phone away from her ear and waited. She could not handle her mother's excited volume at this hour of the morning. Actually, she thought, what hour is it?

Rory glanced at the bedside table and quickly realized she had over slept. It was already after 10am and she was still in bed. She noticed that she was alone and ...

"Are you even listening to me?" Her mother continued.

"Hold on. I just woke up. Who am I calling?" Rory replied

"YOUR GRANDMOTHER!" Lorelai shrieked. "You're still in bed? What? Are you ok?"

"I guess I was just tired, I'm ok. Yes, I have to call Grandma. I'll do it right now." Rory sighed.

"Rory, you have to tell her. And like, yesterday. She will want to know about baby and your wedding is three days away!" Lorelai continued. "She will be hurt if you keep this from her any longer."

"I am not looking forward to this conversation."

"Understatement." Lorelai replied. "But not telling her as soon as possible, big mistake. Big. Huge."

"Ok, I know, I'll do it. She's going to be mad." Rory answered.

"Child o'mine, she not going to be mad. She will likely be passive aggressive, there will be comments. But the longer you don't tell her, the worse it will be." Retorted Lorelai.

Rory looked up as the hotel door opened and Logan walked in juggling coffee, a garment bag and a bakery box. She started to rise to help him, but Logan just shook his head and walked forward to put the coffees down on the table.

Rory winced as her mother continued with her predictions of how Emily would respond. Logan furrowed his brow asking silently what was happening.

"It's my mom. We need to tell grandma today." Rory replied.

"Ah. Yes. That is going to be a treat." Logan laughed.

"Ok, got it. We are going to talk to her today. I have to go gird my loins for this. I'll let you know after how it goes." Rory attempted to get off the call.

"Oh, I'll know! She will be calling me the minute you tell her!" Lorelai retorted.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence." Rory mumbled and disconnected the call.

"You ok there, Ace?" Logan had hung the garment bag in the closet and turned back to face Rory.

"This is going to be terrible." Rory complained.

"Ok, so let's just get it over with. Where is she?" Logan said with a sharp nod.

"Probably Nantucket, I guess. That's where she was the last time I spoke to her."

"Does she text?" Logan asked.

"Yeah, that's gonna be a no from me.  I can't text her this news." Rory snorted.

Logan shook his head. "No, find out where she is and we will go together and tell her in person. This isn't a phone call either."

Rory thought a moment and then turned back to her cell phone. She sent a quick text asking where Emily was today. Within a minute she got a text back.

"She's actually here in Hartford. Some paperwork she needed to sign." Rory glanced up at Logan to see him consulting his watch.

"Ask her to meet us for lunch at ON20 at 12." Logan reached for his cell to make a reservation.

"Do you think it's a good idea to do this in public?" Rory asked skeptically.

"It's usually not so busy for lunch, and I think having this conversation in public is the best possible way to do this." Logan grinned. "She won't make a scene in public!"

"Fair point" Rory agreed. She sent the text quickly and got another immediate response. "Apparently she doesn't like ON20. She suggests Carbone's?"

"Huh. Ok. I'll call Carbone's." Logan hung up and started to dial again. "She doesn't like ON20?"

"She's not a fan of heights." Rory offered

"Ok, but Carbone's will be a lot busier. Not necessarily a bad thing." Logan connected with the restaurant and easily secured a table for three.

Rory sent a text to confirm and then lay back with a flop in the bed. Logan chuckled and suggested that she go hop in the shower. He wanted to be there early. And he had to break the news to the boys that they weren't going to get to come along and watch the show.

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