.•● Chapter 3 : A change... ●•.

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"Why did he save you?

- I don't know ... Maybe he's a superhero who-

- No, he is not ... I checked, there is no superhero in the world with a Quirk like his ...

- Yeah, that was otherwise awesome. I would never have believed that a businessman could fight so well and use his Quirk to save lives ... "

  Voices woke you up. As you opened your eyes, an electrifying pain ran through your head and down your spine. You let out a small moan of pain, which caught the attention of the other six people in the room.

"He wakes up !" a male voice exclaimed.

  When your eyes had fully adjusted to the light, you realized you were in a hospital room. Your right wing as well as your chest were completely wrapped in bandages.

"Are you alright man?" Hawks asked.

  You nodded 'yes', despite your headache which made you suffer like a martyr. You scanned the six people in the room. There was All might, Eraser head, Hawks, the principal of UA Nezu, the brunette girl, and what you presumed to be a cop.

"What ... What happened? You finally said.

- You ... You saved my life ... "A dark-haired girl answered you.

  You recognized her without any problem. It was the girl you saved.

"A building almost crushed me when I lost consciousness. Who saved me?

- We ... have no idea. When the building hit the ground, you were at the feet of a medic, unconscious. "

  You thought for a moment.

"Why are you all here? You finally said.

- According to the testimony of Hawks and several others who were at the scene, you risked your life to save this young girl here, named Ochaco Uraraka. Now my question is: why? The cop said, who had stayed away the entire time.

  That's true. Why did you save her? You are a villain after all. You could have left her dead. However, it went against your values ​​to let a girl die so young. Even though you were a villain, you had a code of honor, and stood for an ideal. You weren't killing everything and everyone for no reason.

" Why ? You would have wanted me to stand there like an incompetent? See this young girl die before my eyes? Hell no. "

  Your words sounded like a bomb. Everyone was in shock.

"Your... Your words sound like those of a real hero..." said Eraser Head.

- You still haven't answered my question: why are you all here?

- We wanted to meet you in person, Nezu said, climbing onto your hospital bed. Your Quirk is more than powerful and very impressive. Before you woke up, we had a long debate, and we took a vote. The majority have won. So I'm going to ask you a question: would you like to become a hero? "

  You were speechless. Your eyes couldn't tear themselves away from Nezu.

"Of course, that will mean that, although you are 20 years old, you will have to join Mr. Aizawa's Class 1-A. And you will also have to quit your job as the boss of the 'One hero, one fight' company. "

  You thought for a few moments, going through all the options available to you. Joining UA was a real godsend for you! Infiltrating the heroic system up close was every self-respecting villain's dream. What's more, when they find out you are a villain, civilians will be outraged that the best superhero high school has offered a villain to become a hero! It was an absolutely perfect plan. Your lips parted in response but you barely caught yourself. If you gave your answer so quickly, it would seem strange to the other people in the room. Especially since it was a great job that you would leave behind. Joining UA is worth a lot better than staying in this company all my life. I'm never going to progress if I keep going like this, you thought.

  Your eyes rested on your bandaged wing.

"How soon can I be out? you asked.

- The doctors said you could be out in two days, All Might replied, who had been silent until now. Your metabolism is recovering at an incredible rate."

  You took off the blanket that covered you so far. Your left ankle was also wrapped in bandages. You sighed.

"Listen, Mr. Nezu, I will think about your proposal. In two days, when I get out of here, I'll give you my answer. "

  They all nodded.

"Alright then, Nezu said with a smile. See you in two days sir (L / N). "

  They all left the room. You smiled, showing off your sharp white fangs.

What a bunch of fools...

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