
144 1 0

Name: L / N

First name: Y / N

Age : ???

Height: 198.23 cm

Nationality: Swedish

Quirk: "Forces of Hell"

                                                 ( ↓ that's you ↓ )

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  You have never been "normal" to other people. Anyway, your parents were abusive, and for as long as you can remember, you were always bullied at school. Basically, you wanted to be a hero, but that idea was lost as you lived. Little by little, you started to become a villain, by committing petty theft ... And one fine day, you reduced your hometown, your family, your stalkers to ashes. Since then, you've been one of the most wanted criminals in the world. Only downside: no one knows what you look like. Just that you have a demon tail, a pair of horns on top of your head and also a pair of wings behind your back. Your Quirk is also very dangerous. You can control the fire, summon all kinds of demons, or even summon a kind of black sticky tentacle rising from the ground to immobilize your enemies. You also have a huge red and black double scythe, which you are able to control with just your mind. But if you leave your Quirk on for too long, the darkness will try to take over your body, and it will be difficult for you to regain control.

  After setting your hometown on fire, you chose to leave. Destination: Musutafu. The city in which Yuei High School is located. You have traveled a long time, but today you make a very good living as the head of a very famous company and you own a villa overlooking the city. But of course, that doesn't mean you've stopped your criminal activities.

  However, you do not yet know which succession of events will change your life forever ...

                                         This is our first fanfic, we hope you'll like it! ^^

                                                               ❇❦Here we go !❦❇

"Disgusting demon !" Vilain! Male! Seme reader harem ♥Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt