Her face went completely blank.

"I'm surprised you're not in an asylum yet, you baka!" She shouted, hands firmly planted on her hips and she glared up at me.

I looked at her, absolutely appalled at her reply to my confession.

"How could you say such a thing, Momoi-chin!" I gasped, stumbling back I placed a shaken hand on my trembling lips.

"I-I thought we were scouting buddies!" I cried, dropping down to my hands and knees in front of her.

"S-Scouting b-buddies..?" she asked.

"So glad you asked, Momoi-chin," I sung, leaping up and doing a compete three sixty on my feet before I stood in front of her with my arms wide open and legs spread.

"Scouting buddies! Humanities last hope in capturing fine men! We, the scouting legi-!"


"Oi! Momoi-chin~! I need my brain for scheming shi- I mean for my exams so, could you not hit me, please~!" I cried, arms shielded over my head as she ruthlessly slammed her clenched fists at them.



I froze.

I jumped behind her and tightly gripped her shoulders, shivering slightly as I stuttered.

"M-Momoi-c-chin, w-who is t-that?" I whispered, lip trembling at all the possibilities on who it could be that lay behind the door.

She sighed and dragged a hand down her face.

"It's Dai-chan," she mumbled, gently shaking off my hands before she calmly walked to the door.

"SHUT UP, DAI-CHAN!" She screeched, slamming the door open and - most likely - hitting his face with it.

I blinked, hands still in the air from where Momois' shoulders were.

'I think its best that I, uh, leave,' I thought, slowly creeping behind her and out the door-

"-Oi, oi! What are you doing in here?" Their eyes accusingly narrowed at my presence and I resisted the urge to shiver and implode.

I coughed at the sudden attention and straightened up at their intense gaze.

"I was having a civilized conversation with Momoi-chin over here," I said, politely indicating to Momoi.

I saw him furrow his eye-

'Holy shit. What a babe!' I drooled, internally fangirling over this hot piece of ass.

"-chin? Where have I heard that before?" I heard him mumble with a tanned hand to his chin.

I nervously scratched the back of my head and slowly bowed my head.

"Ah ha ha. You probably heard it from my idiotic younger brother! ANYWAYS! I'm Kai-senpai, nice to meet chuu~!" I sung, interrupting his mumbling.

"You have a younger brother, Kai-kun?" Momoi asked, head cutely tilting to the side in confusion.

I hmm'd at her and nodded my head at her question.

"Yeah. Shi-chin's a giant idiot, literally. ha ha ha~!" I lamely supplied, secretly taking joy in their confusion.

I stared at them, waiting for them to make a guess.

They blanched and stared back as if waiting for me to elaborate.

I sighed and ran a hand down my face.

His 'Brother' (Kuroko no Basuke fanfic OC)Where stories live. Discover now