Field trip

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Peter was falling asleep in class, as usual. It was the last period of the day and he was so tired, he went out on patrol last night and he came back later than usual. His head was about to hit the desk when the bell woke him up.

"Attention class !", said Mr Harrington, "Don't forget about the field trip tomorrow, no need to bring lunch and the bus leaves at 8am."

Peter grunted and left the room. The day the teacher handed out the permission slips, he asked Peter to stay at the end of the class. Once the bell rang, he told him he couldn't come due to his accumulated absences and to the fact that he was always late. Peter came to the tower upset that day and Tony asked him what was wrong. He told him and his mentor, trying to cheer him up, invited him to stay at the tower the day of the trip. It worked and the boy forgot all about the incident.

The next day, Peter woke up earlier than usual, overexcited about his day at the tower. He quickly got ready, kissed his aunt goodbye and left the apartment. It was 8am when he arrived at the tower. He scanned his badge and got in.

"Parker, Peter. Level 9. Good morning Peter, Mr Stark is waiting for you in the lab." At FRIDAY's words, a few people turned their heads towards Peter and greeted him. They didn't know how a high schooler could get an internship with Tony Stark but his joy and innocence got everyone that passed his way wrapped around his finger.

"Hey FRI !" the boy answered, smiling. He made his way to the lab and opened the door.

"Hi Mr Stark !"

"It's Tony kid."

"Hi Mr Stark ! So, watcha doing ?"

"I'm making a few upgrades on your suit, wanna help me ?"

"Hell yeah !" Peter said, practically bouncing up and down.


Meanwhile, his class was on the school bus, on their way to Stark Tower. They didn't know where they were going until ten minutes ago, when Mr Harrington announced it. Ned and MJ were the only ones knowing why Peter wasn't there, Ned freaking out and texting his friend since they got the news. Unfortunately, Peter never checked his phone when he was in the lab. They also had to listen to Flash rambling on about Peter since they got on the bus.

"I bet Penis is too scared to come, cause he doesn't have an internship with Tony Stark !" A few of his stupid goons laughed along with him and everyone else sighed. Most of the class didn't believe Peter but they really wanted to punch Flash in the face at this moment.

"Listen Eugene", MJ snapped, "I know you have this weird obsession for Peter and his penis but could you not declare you love for him right now ? Some of us woke up early and need their beauty sleep. You should try it, you obviously need it." At this, everyone on the bus laughed, the teacher included. Flash got a ridiculous shade of red and finally shut his mouth up.

30 minutes later they arrived at the tower. They got in and a girl in her late twenties approached them.

"Hi, you must be Midtown High. I'm Meg, I'll be you tour guide today. Here are your badges, if you have any questions, don't hesitate."

She handed them their badges and passed through the scanner.

"Smith, Margaret. Level 3. No unauthorized equipment." The students jumped at the voice and looked up. "That's FRIDAY, Tony Stark's AI. She's everywhere in the tower so don't be scared if you hear a voice coming for the ceiling. Alright, who wants to go first ?"

Flash pushed his way through his classmates and stepped towards the scanner. 

"Thompson, Eugene. Level 1. No unauthorized equipment." He frowned at his real name but put on a smug smile and walked towards Meg.

The rest of the class imitated him and soon they were headed to the low level labs.

"So this is where most of the interns work. You can watch them through the window but don't disturb them cause they might be experimenting something." Flash raised his hand. "Yeah ?"

"Do you know an intern named Peter Parker ?"

"Peter ? Yeah but we don't see him often, he works on the upper levels."

Flash had a look of shock for a second but it quickly disappeared. "I'm sure he paid her to say that." MJ heard him and slapped him in the back of the head.

"We're now gonna head to the next floor and and we'll do that for the rest of the morning so you can see the different types of labs. If we're lucky we could even go to the 93rd floor where the best scientists, including Tony Stark, work !"


2 hours later, Tony and Peter were finally done with the suit, and they didn't have anything else to do.

"So what do you wanna do now kid ?"

Peter thought for a sec before his eyes brightened and a wide smile took place on his face.


 It was almost lunch and the class was on the 91st floor, in awe in front of the high tech labs.

"If you like these, I don't know how you'll react to the 93rd floor's labs." Meg smiled as the students cheered. They got in the elevator and when the doors opened, she almost laughed at their reactions.

"Oh my God."

"Am I in heaven ?"

"I can die happy now."

Meg led them towards a lab but they all jumped at the sound of something breaking, followed by laughter. They turned their heads towards it and all gasped at the sight of their classmate, Peter Parker, fighting Tony Stark with... lightsabers ? Peter accidently cut a table in half and quickly ran away while Tony chased him, screaming and laughing. The boy looked behind him and collapsed against Meg.

"Ouch ! Oh, I'm so sorry Meg." His eyes trailed behind her and widened when he saw his class. "Uh, hey guys... whatcha doing here ?" 

"We're on a field trip," MJ answered, "Ned texted you."

"Dude ! You built lightsabers ! With Tony Stark !" 

"PETER YOU LITTLE SHIT !" Tony yelled, out of breath, "I'm way too old to be running like this y'know !"

"Yeah you are, Mr Stark."



Tony chuckled and ruffled Peter's hair. He then noticed the group of students watching them with their mouths wide open. "And this is... ?"

"My class."

"Your class. And they're here for... ?"

"The field trip."

"Right. You really have the worst luck kid."

"I know."

"So", Tony said, turning towards the class, "I hope the trip was pleasant-"

"How do you know Penis ?!" Flash yelled.

Tony froze for a second and his eyes darkened. "Firstly, did you just interrupt me ? And secondly, what did you call my kid ?"

Flash seemed to realize his mistake but didn't back off, having too much pride.

"How did he convince you to act like you know him ? Did he pay you ? Because there's no way Parker could ever get an internship, he's not even that smart ! I could do so much better than him !" Mr Harrington tried to get him to stop but he wouldn't shut up.

"Eugene", Tony's voice was creepily calm, "if you don't get out of my tower in the next ten seconds I swear to God I will make your life a living hell."



Flash quickly ran out of the room, followed by Mr Harrington, who had to escort him to the bus.

"Alright", Tony's voice was back to normal, "Mrs tour guide, I'll leave you with Peter's class, kid you hungry ? Cause I'm hungry. Let's order pizza. We'll eat it while building your own AI. Ask May if you can stay over tonight."

He wrapped his arm around Peter's shoulders and they walked away, leaving the class mouth agape. 

Peter Parker one shots // ft. irondad and the avengersWhere stories live. Discover now