Chapter Two

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After finding out Wren is helping Melissa, we all went home to sleep. Then we went to pick up Melissa's ring.

I'm walking to my car to go home when i hear someone calling my name "Blair, Blair" I look over to see Aria running towards me. "Hey look i need a favour, could you drop these keys to mike. He's playing basketball-" 

"Yeah i know where, Tyler used to go all the time. It's not an issue."

"Thank you so much"

"Of course"


 I walk towards the court looking around for Mike. I can't seem to see him anywhere. I call him but he doesn't answer. Mike and Tyler used to be best friends before Tyler started acting out. 

I walk right next to the court to see if i can spot him anywhere. I see Jason walk past with a basketball in his hand. We stare at each other before he walks off. 

"Lewis, hey. Do you know where i can find mike?"

"Got me"

"He usually plays here, though, right?" i say remembering what Aria told me

"Not for the last couple of months, no"

"No, no, he usually play pick up here almost everyday after school."

"So do we and i haven't seen him. Sorry" He says. 

So has Mike been lying to Aria and his parents? I don't have much time to think about it as a ball hits my leg. I bend over to pick it up as Jason comes jogging over to me. Shirtless. God damn. 

"Hey" i say

"Hey" he replies as i give him the ball

"You haven't seen Mike, have you?" I ask

"Uh, no. Sorry. Where you supposed to go out but he give you the slip?" Go out?

"Uh no, we aren't, i'm not" i stop for a second "We aren't together. Aria wanted me to give him his keys. She was busy. And uh, it seems like it"

"I was always lying about where i was when i was his age. I don't remember a lot about that time actually. Most of what i do remember, i wish i could forget, you know?" 

"I'm sorry"

"You know what i do remember? Your blue hair"

"Really?" I ask confused. Before Ali went missing i has blue tips at the end of my hair. Eventually it grew and i cut it off. After she went missing.

"I thought it was cool"

"Really?" I question again

"Really. I mean you always said the unexpected as opposed to me. Which, i also thought was cool" I give him a small smile. He turns to walk away. After a couple steps, he turns around "Hey, i miss that blue hair." He smiles at me as i smile back. 

What the fuck? I've never been speechless before. I always have something to say but a two minute conversation with Jason leaves me speechless? I have got to get my shit together. 


The girls and i are in a car following Melissa.

"Should we call Garret?" Emily asks

"No." Aria says "The last thing we need to do is get him involved in another mystery we can't explain."

"Well that's what happen's when we're girls who cried wolf." Hannah says

"Yeah, don't you get it? We're screwed" I add in

"They're stopping" Aria says

We get out and follow after them staying far behind. We hear Melissa scream and run towards her. We see Ian laying there with a gunshot wound to his head. Suicide.

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