Sleeping beauty pt.2

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Meg's POV
"OK, time to shift this sleeping beauty to a operation theater".

Melissa looked so pleased with her smart plan. However, the truth is she didn't realize the fact that she was being such a great pain in the ass by acting so excited. I wished I could tell her, "do not burst in excitement,bitch". I was too afraid to use my words because she has enough powers to torture me alive. Her big collection of daggers and swords are enough.

Without saying another word, I helped her to shift Clarence on a gatch bed. He was laying down on there, stayed still. My heart ached every moment seeing him like this. I looked at him, wearing a sad expression on my face. Melissa, who noticed my gesture towards her frenemy made a "Ehermmm" sound which made me snorted back while realization hit me at the moment.

Melissa and I moved the gatch bed together. As she and I, both are strong enough we didn't call anyone for help. We were on the way to one of the operation theater. I already made Melissa looked like a doctor by offering her a white coat. It suits perfectly well on her. I was wondering that she seems to be so good at what she's doing here in a hospital then why did she choose this life. Not that I care, I've nothing else to think at the time.

Suddenly, I noticed few people coming towards us from a distance. My instincts told me something or someone is about to throw a big attack on us. I only noticed two people familiar among them. One: Ella, the nurse. Two: her patient.

Melissa glanced at me with a confusion. I gave her "I don't freaking know what the hell is happening here," kind of look. After all of them came so much nearer towards us, I saw their face changed into something disgusting while their fangs popped out from their mouth.

"Werewolves, damn it," cursed Melissa under her breath. I can see her sword glowing all of a sudden.

"Meg, I don't wanna waste time. Can't you use your demonic magic to stop those sons of the bitches?"

"Oh my apologies, your Highness. Aren't you the one use your magic to put the biggest invisible devil's trap all over this area?"

"Shit, screw my brain." I saw Melissa get tensed. I can clearly see the rage on her resting bitch face. Before she come up with a new plan, I screamed towards the pack of Werewolves, "Ella, what is this?"

"I'm so sorry, Meg. Actually, I am not sorry because I'm getting paid. You see Crowley sent us here. He wants Castiel death. So, my pack and I took the offer," told Ella, very louder enough for me to hear her words. Her words got digest inside my brain, reacted back as rage and sent all the feelings to each and every limb in my body. The hatred grew stronger. I would be so pleased to strangle that bitch using a rope.

"Ok, enough with the talking. Meg, take Cas' blade out of his coat and use it to fight them off if they got near the gatch bed and don't ever leave him alone until the fight finish. Do you understand me?"

I nodded a 'yes'. Melissa took her sword by her hands and made a swift like a combat in a war. She stood up in front of them very daringly. I can say she's not afraid, not even a little.

One of the werewolves ran faster towards her. Melissa took the matter on her own hands. She just swinged her sword and all I can see now is a head rolled off from a body. She was so pleased with the first movement and she put up a bitchy smirk on her face.

"Anybody dare to come here? Come on guys, don't keep me waiting."

Ella looked behind and all the members of her pack ran towards us. Now, I realized they'll do whatever they want in order to kill him. Not to mention that I was holding the only weapon that can kill an Angel like him, the Angel blade. I didn't think that I could fight all of these werewolves just with this blade. So, I spoke out, "Melissa, give me your sword. I don't think so I can fight them with this."

"No way in Hell I'm giving you my baby to you."

"Come on, we've no time!"

"I don't even let Sam and Dean touch it!"

"I won't kill you, I promise! You need Cas. Remember?"

"Urghhh, fine," she said threw her sword to me. I catch it with a quick reflex.

The werewolves almost got nearer the gatch bed. I was just as fast as Melissa. I chopped off one of the werewolves' head. I continued doing it with that amazing sword. Melissa on the other hand, made some magic and another sword showed up on her hand.

We kept up the fight almost for an hour. I was thankful for Melissa's magic powers at the moment. She put a sleeping spell on a whole hospital to prevent the exposure of Supernatural attack at this place. It's just us and the werewolves.

I can clearly see Melissa got tired in the fight. She started slowing down. The situation where she laying down as a dead body terrifies me. She's the only hope here. If anything happened to her, I would never have the heart to forgive myself.

Deep down, I was praying. I know nobody listen to problems from a demon like me. But I did it anyway. If Cas just wake up from this, I will feel forever grateful for this. Sometimes miracle do happen.

At this point, one werewolf caught Melissa off guard. That werewolf was of course Ella, the crazy bitch. I was about to come there to fight but Melissa yelled a "No," when she sensed my arrival. I stepped back.

Suddenly, I saw a pair of glowing blue eyes, waking up from the gatch bed and the invisible wings that only I can see popped out from the side of his body.

Hey you guyssss.... I tried my level best to add some actions in this chapter. I hope I didn't fail in my mission. Have a lovely day if you're reading it on a day time. However, if you're reading it at night, have sweet dreams. Xoxo.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2021 ⏰

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