Chapter Three: Cat and Mouse (1/2)

Start from the beginning

The game of Cat and Mouse is fun after all, Red Velvet knew that he would force her into his little game. But it'll take some time.

For now, he'll tease her, slowly get close to her, and eventually proceed with getting her into a sweet little obedient for him and only him, before he would move on towards his fantasies.

Red Velvet picked up the glass shot cup as he looked at it.

"What other things do you know about Pastry, Pomegranate?"

"Ah, why do you ask Red Velvet? Slightly desperate for more knowledge than usual aren't you?"

"Possibly, after all..."

"I wish to begin my game of Cat and Mouse with my doll."

Pastry couldn't help but stay up all night, especially after yesterday with Red Velvet. Pastry shifted around in her bed slightly, trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in, yet the uncomforting thoughts of "him" plagued her mind.

He knew so much about Pastry, yet Pastry barely even knew him. Those words before she had arrived towards BlackBerry's house still sent a shivering chill down her spine as she kept replaying his words on how he knew her like a broken record:

"I knew all about you since day one, I just happened to see you stop by somewhere. You may not know me much but I know you, and you sparked something in me."

But how could he have known about Pastry when they didn't even meet? What type of business was Red Velvet in? Was he an assassin? Pastry was too frightened to find out. Pastry nervously got up out of the bed as she felt thirsty, her daughter slept next to her peacefully and slightly shifted around in the bed.

"I'm gonna get a drink of water. Mommy will be back in a bit," Pastry said as she kissed the top of Strawberry Cookie's head before she got up off the bed and opened the somewhat creaky door, and closed it gently on her way out.

Pastry went into the kitchen and turned on the light, closing her eyes a little bit because of how bright the light was.

"Hopefully I didn't wake or worry anyone," Pastry said to herself quietly as she turned on the sink and took out a cup from the finished dishes Adventurer Cookie washed as she put it under the water.

As the water finished filling the cup, Pastry twisted the knob to turn off the sink as she started to drink her water. Pastry couldn't help but feel as though somebody was behind her, or even lurking in the darkness of the house.

Pastry, being sleepy, didn't have much rational thought, so she immediately started to panic. Pastry quickly put down her cup of water as she turned around, yet saw nothing, yet knew something was there.

Pastry quickly pointed her crossbow at the darkness of the living room, slightly further away from the kitchen. Nervously turning around and rotating around in her peripheral vision, keeping her back towards the kitchen, and her front towards the living room.

Before Pastry could shoot her crossbow in the area she suspected in, the figure appeared in the hallway and tapped Pastry on the shoulder. Pastry turned around and gasped, almost nearly having a heart attack as the cookie appeared out of thin nowhere.

"Hey, is everything alright?" Adventurer Cookie asked as his eyes signified his worry towards Pastry.

Pastry catched her breath before playfully pushing Adventurer.

"Hey! I thought we were friends!" Adventurer said with a slight bit of laughter.

"I'm sorry!" Pastry laughed slightly before her face turned from light-hearted and smiley, to worried and skeptical. "I thought you were someone else."

Obsessed to Make You Mine. (Red-Velv x Pastry).Where stories live. Discover now