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A/N: Much gore in this one. No likey no readie. Then again, why the hell are you here?

“See Lilith? It’s pronounced men-tal’i-ty. Mentality.” My grammar teacher said.

I pronounced the word with some difficulty, but still said it correctly.

“Good! Now, the next word is thesaurus.”

This whole thing was a problem that my parents caused. My parents were poor for long time and couldn’t afford to send me to school until I was ten. For ten years I couldn’t read or write. It was my parents’ fault that I was bullied for being “stupid” and almost committed suicide. And here I was three years later; living in a totally different state and going to school trying to pronounce simple words like “mentality” and “thesaurus.”

I wasn’t used to the sudden grip the school had on me when I first came here and I tried to escape. All those times I did, I would be caught by the dean and brought back inside the campus. I have heard of these so-called “prisons,” and to me, school was one of them. I had tried to escape so many times that the counselor thought I was mentally challenged and put me in the Special ED class with students “supposedly” like me. And now I have a grammar teacher! Wonderful.

“Now try this word Lilith. Maho-“

As my teacher was speaking, the bell signaling the end of the school day rang. I got up and fetched my backpack, but when I picked it up I noticed that there was a tear in the crimson-colored fabric.

“Sorry about that Lilith. We’ll continue our lesson tomorrow. Have a nice day.”

I waved to her and opened the door, my back facing the enthusiastic teacher.

“Goodbye Ms. Devley.” I sighed, closing the thick door behind me and quickly walking towards the back doors of the school. I hid my face with my hair and hoodie and rushed out the doors, not wanting to get in another brawl with them. The ones that beat me up and cause me to slit my wrists. After I got placed in the Special ED class, my friends betrayed me and started bullying me. Just like when I lived in my old town.

Today was like any other day though, for I was slammed into the wall next to me, pain shooting through my shoulder. I looked up to find myself face to face with myself face to face with Bruce, one of my former friends. I looked behind him. It was just Bruce today. No one else.

“Just because the rest of my friends aren’t here, doesn’t mean that you can run away from this.” Bruce growled, pushing me to the ground and kicking me.

He was a sick person. He laughed sadistically every time he landed a blow that made me scream. I watched as his foot pulled back and I quickly grabbed it, yanking him forward. His head collided with the cement beneath us, creating a snapping sound. I winced at the harsh noise, but ran. I ran fast down the street towards the small circuit of shops not far from my house. I slowed to a stop and placed my hand son my knees, feeling the pulse in my wrists against my thighs.
'I knocked someone out. At school! Calm down Lilith. I think you ran far enough. They don’t know it was you.' I mentally reassured myself.

I stand up and take in the environment around me. I saw shops that I’ve never heard of before and ones that were so desolate that I predicted were going out of business. All the shops had colorful posters in the windows, each one acting as propaganda for what the stores were selling. I walked up to a beauty shop and looked at the posters they had up. The thing that had me convinced to go inside wasn’t what was being shown on the poster. My eyes had fixated themselves on a model’s luxurious and shiny brown hair.

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