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no one's pov

McGonagall led the class through the familiar halls of the school Harry had once called home.

Draco was among the few people that didn't stare at Harry, or well he tried not to.

Instead, he focused on Pansy holding his hand and tried not to think about the people he hurt in these halls.

"As you'll later see, eighth years only have four classes and a tremendous amount of free time. I highly encourage making friends and trying to rebuild your lives through out the year. Those with high marks will be allowed to graduate early," McGonagall chattered as she led them up a staircase.

Harry looked back once and regretted it as he saw the eyes that followed him.

However, he saw a certain blonde that didn't even give him a glance.

Harry turned back to the front and was met with a comforting hand squeeze from Neville.

Harry's face burned as he tried to stop the butterflies in his stomach.

He shouldn't fall in love with the only friend he has.

He pushed away his feelings and tried to remember the good memories of Hogwarts.

Ron and Hermione used to buy him sweets after he got hurt in a quidditch game.

Ron and Harry used to enchant Hermione's quill after she'd been working for hours upon end.

Hermione used to talk Harry's ear off about something random but Harry didn't mind because he was happy to finally have friends.

But now he didn't even have them.

"Alright, we're here," McGonagall said which snapped most eighth years out of their thoughts. "Welcome to your new dorms. The password is universal for everyone. One that I know Ms. Lovegood will find rather enjoyable. Nargles. Left is boys dorms and right is girls. Bathroom is down the center hall. There is also a small kitchen and common room area," She smiled warmly at the war-torn teenagers.

Harry's breath hitched. Maybe he was home again.

"I'll list off dorm mates. Ladies first of course. We have Ms. Lovegood, Ms. Weasley, Ms. Susan Bones and Padma Patil," The girls walked to the portrait of a forest and entered as soon as a fairy in the painting let them in.

"Second girls dorm is Pansy Parkinson, Parvati Patil, Astoria Green grass and Hannah Abbot. First boys dorm, Mr. Nott, Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Longbottom and Mr. Potter. Second boys dorm, Mr. Weasley, Mr. Zabini, Mr. Thomas and Mr. Finnegan. Third boys dorm is Mr. Pucey, Mr. Corner, Mr. Macmillan and Mr. Finch-Fletchley."

The rest of the group went into the dorms. Harry followed Neville to their shared room.

The four boys, now in their rooms with their delivered baggage, stood awkwardly by their beds.

"So," Neville said. He earned a stare from Draco and Theo. Harry just looked down at the ground awkwardly. "How've you guys been?" He asked.

Surprisingly, Theodore Nott was the first to talk.

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