What!! I am ur .....

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3rd person Pov

" Who me"


"Don't worry master he is not a threat"

" Well let me introduce myself"

"I'm the first true dragon and the creater of the multiverse"

"Star king Veldanava"

He said and turn into his dragon form

What!!(shouted rimuru)

Rimuru: How are u alive🙀 and how did u come here

Veldanava: Well I woke up when u two were fighting and I think the energy produced during the fight revive me but I guess the energy will go down after some time.

Rimuru: So my fight revive u🤨

Veldanava: Yes😁

Rimuru: How did u come inside

Veldanava: Well I requested Ciel to speak with u 😉

Rimuru: Ahh that's why
and Ciel why didn't you report it to me

Ciel: He said he wanted to surprise master so that's why

Rimuru: I didn't expect this from u Veldanava-sama😔

Veldanava: Hehe!!sorry about that and call me Veldanava no need for formalities😸

Rimuru: Ok then ,Veldanava

Veldanava : Well if our little chat is over can I say something

Rimuru: Yes sure

(He said with a carefree voice but he was not expecting this part)

Veldanava: I want u to conquer the multiverse(in a serious tone)
Because in the not so far future there will be a multiversal war and the whole verse will be destroyed with no clear winner so I want u to  conquer the multivers and bring peace and save my previous creation plz.           
I know you can create another verse but still plz save it as my last wish before I die again🥺
(he said with a pleading voice)

Rimuru: How can u know that will happen🧐

Veldanava: Well I analysis the multiverse the moment I was revive so that's why.

Rimuru: Ok understandable but isn't this multiverse ur creation then it's ur responsibility and I can also revive u properly so u can come back again.

Veldanava: I know but I don't want to because my time is over and someone should take my place and become my successor and maintain peace and that someone is u Rimuru Tempest
(He said with full expectation and thinking that rimuru will be happy)

But rimuru on the other hand who heard this was completely shocked

Rimuru: I ~ur ~succes~sor 😱

"Hello" Can u hear me Veldanava said😕

"Why would give such a big responsibility to me"
Rimuru responded

Veldanava: Because u have brought peace to this world in such a short amount of time and I know u can bring peace to the verse also

"But first u have to conquer the Multiverse " 👍

Rimuru: Conquer~ the ~Multi~verse

"Is it possible" he asked

Veldanava: Yes don't worry u r clearly stronger than me in my prime and besides u have ciel

Rimuru: Ooo I totally forgot about sensei😓

Ciel: Master why did u forgot about me (she said with a pout) 😔
And don't underestimate urself master u have me and all ur friends and subordinates who help with their fullest ability
So master should not worry about it too much

Rimuru: Soory I guess I was little too much underestimating myself but thank you for your motivation Ciel😋

Ciel: Thank you for ur praise master😄

"Ok then Veldanava"

"I rimuru tempest in the name of Veldanava hereby swear that I shall conquer the multiverse and bring peace that Veldanava always wanted"

Veldanava: Thank you very much I knew I could count on you
(he said with a smile of happiness and thankfulness)

"But the enemy's u r gonna face are also as strong as me during my prime but ur clearly stronger than them but still be careful who knows what bad might happen."(he warned)

Rimuru: Yes I will

Veldanava : Well it's seem my time is over
I hope u will fulfill my wish

(And particles of light starts disappearing from the dragons body)

Rimuru: Do u still not want to be revive properly
You know Milim, Ur Siblings, Guy, Rudra and also everyone will be happy

Veldanava: No I do not and please take care of Milim and everyone
Also don't tell anyone about this encounter

Rimuru: As u wish then Goodbye Veldanava😔

Bye Rimuru he said and disappeared


Well how did it go 737words phew 😅

Anyway did u enjoy
If then comment on it

Till then see ya🤗

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