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"I'm tired already." Ethan complained from within his mind, as he mindlessly stared at the darkened sky. Class was just about to start, and the substitute teacher had just arrived. Their science teacher unfortunately caught a cold; the class wasn't even surprised, given that she's a few years left from retirement, and of course, with age comes the variety of illnesses one might catch.

The substitute teacher stood behind the teachers' table in the front, smiling, he waved nodded at them as he waited for the noise to dissipate.

This substitute was the polar opposite of the elderly female science teacher, and also of Ethan. He was young for a teacher, possibly around his 20's, he was quite tall in stature, he had quite the smooth yet tanned complexion, and he had perfectly combed, hazel hair, with just a lock of hair hanging on his forehead for a bit of style. He always wore a smile that synergized with his kindness, and he frequently dropped some jokes for the class, contrary to dull composure and personality of both Ethan and the grumpy science teacher. He always stood straight, while Ethan on the other hand, regularly had his hands inside the pockets of his school pants, and walked lazily. The teacher's actions were usually accompanied by bursts of energy. His voice was a bit raspy yet deep, and he also got along with many of the boys in the school; the only similarity he shared with Ethan was that he was also fond of gaming and anime, but despite a hobby that was considered as for outcasts, he was still an outgoing member of society. He had a dream he wanted to achieve, and he had a long list of friends. He was the bubbly yet chill teacher that everyone wanted.

Society had a word for people like him.

He was the ideal guy, both romantically and socially, and someone that Ethan doesn't want to be.

Ethan did not want to expend massive amounts of energy, nor be the center of attention. It goes beyond his ability to comprehend and understand people.

The teacher then proceeded to speak, which alerted the entire class.

"Rest assured, everyone!" He blurted out, smirking, and, of course everyone, as anyone would be if someone spoke out of context, was confused.

"We'll only be recapping the previous lesson, as instructed by Miss Rutgerd on this piece of crumpled paper I have on my hand." He added, then showed everyone the piece of paper, that was indeed, small, and was excessively crumpled that the instructions were barely visible.

Sighs of relief could be heard for a moment, the tension from the air that indicated everyone's fear for a surprise quiz suddenly faded, and it allured the students to a state of calmness.

"And without further ado, let us begin." He smiled afterwards, then picked up his book on the table. He sat on the edge of the table, his right foot touched the floor, while the other was elevated. He held the book on his left hand, while his other hand was inside his right pocket. He flipped through a few pages before he finally stopped, then proceeded.

"The Circulatory System is......" Everything soon faded to silence as Ethan immediately gave up on listening to the teacher. He could cite even a hundred reasons not to listen anymore, but he'd rather keep it to himself. The weather was much like yesterday's, despite such the sweltering disaster of constantly changing weather moments ago. Ethan had started to wonder if autumn's transitional period to winter ever existed, but either way, as Ethan had assessed, the weather was probably, rather, possibly might've been the result of climate change, or, it could just be some weird weather phenomenon that he doesn't have any idea of.

The same drowsiness that enveloped the entire room was present once again, and the formerly attentive and eager students have now transitioned to a state of near-slumber, holding on to their active consciousness. The same went for the mind of Ethan, as it slowly drifted along with the unstable winds, to a place faraway from this mess of a classroom. His feeling could be compared to that of falling in a bottomless ocean; his focus enhanced in proportion to how deep his mind had descended. His focus eventually peaked into a state of meditating clarity, that he could even cancel out every sound, except for the raindrops that collided with the concrete.

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