It'll be fun, they said

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1-A was finally able to convince Aizawa to take them shopping. A small feat when trapped in dorms on campus.

But alas, nothing ever goes according to plan.

It'll be fun, they said

𝗧𝗼𝗿𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲 | Made to watch | Begging


Kidnapping and blood.

It'll be fun, they said. You really think anything would happen, they said. Yeah no. They were totally wrong. I mean, with Izuku's classes' luck, what did they really expect?

Class 1-A (Mina) had begged Aizawa to let them go shopping. It had been a couple of months since their last trip after all. After a few constant days of begging, Aizawa finally caved in, grumbling before stating he would need to come with them. For extra security he said. (And totally not because he's such a dad) The class erupted in cheers as the news got to them, ready to go on a shopping spree.

1-A journeyed together, going store to store as a group. Uraraka had gotten new mittens, Kaminari a new video game while Izuku got a few more mislabeled t-shirts, much to the horror of the more fashionable classmates. It was fun.

But alas, things never go to plan. Especially when

Just as Izuku was about to exit the store, he was gripped from behind. Something was placed over his mouth and nose, quieting his screams for help. Movements slurring together, his eyes darkened. All Izuku could really process before he passed out was the fact that he was being kidnapped. Interesting.


Not interesting.

Izuku groaned as he peeled his eyes open. He squinted, hoping to see where the hell he was. As his vision adjusted to the darkness, he made out only one object; a table. Izuku raised an eyebrow, curious as to why it was there.

Out of nowhere, a hand landed on his shoulder. He flinched, forcing his neck to see who was there. His eyes widened at the form of his captor.

Two rather un-neat buns sat on both sides of their head. A fringe lay at the front, two strands of hair framing their face. Sharp fangs glinted in the darkness, their eyes glowing a pale yellow.

"Izu-kun~" They purred. Despite the fact they were whispering, the small voice sounded like a thousand. "Do you remember me~?"

Izuku stood still, memories flooding his head. The training camp was one of those experiences his brain tried to block out. Unless prompted, he couldn't really remember anything. But that voice, he could instantly recognise it.

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