Twenty-two: Astronomy

Start from the beginning

But sometimes Jay really should look at the musicians.

"Do you want bacon or toast with the eggs?"

"Toast please, Bacon is too greasy."

His hand held a regular-sized wooden spatula, flipping over yellow and white onto a black pan. Some white dripped off the edge and onto the stove. He didn't really notice that detail though.

"Jay! You're gonna start a fire!"

"Hey! No, I'm not!"

He barely can tell it's Jake's fingers that quickly swat the piece of egg off the burner before it can catch flame, as the designing of the watch he always wore that briefly flew past his eyes just barely registered as 'jake' before it went away.

Today was the day Jungwon was going home. He would admit that he was a pretty nice guy just kike Sunghoon had said (all though a bit intimidating when aggravated). But he didn't quite enjoy the idea of someone he presumed to be dead on the list of people he cooked for in the morning. As much as the boy's dimples made him feel light, it still weirded him out a little. Plus him going home meant one last person to worry about, so more time he could spend pulling Heeseung's beanie off and tossing it to the counter after he set seven plates down on the table, then more time to brush his fingers through his locks.

"Take your medicine?"


"Anything for the migraine?"

"Sunghoonie gave me some earlier."

As much as he knew an autoimmune disease flare-up wasn't ideal, he was glad it meant that they could all slow down (or at least just him) and pay attention to organizing his thoughts and whatever feelings he was having. Heeseung was sensitive quite honestly. He knew that. Especially when he was in one of his episodes. And he had a somewhat jumbled detailing of how and why, but of course details fell to the floor even with his best friend.

Jay spent a few more seconds combing through his hair, which seemed surprisingly thicker than usual considering the situation, before he sat down in front of his plate and started to eat.  He looked around at his surroundings. It was too early in the morning for him to want to make much of a conversation, but Ten was making light conversations with Jake, and Jungwon was explaining something that happened back home to Sunghoon. It was still hushed in the kitchen, considering the sun was just barely up, but he kinda liked it. One of his favourite times was when it was silent and it seemed like he could hear the own buzz of his body working.

"No, no, they have enough evidence to charge, my parents just don't want me to. And I don't wanna push anything too much-"

"Won don't tell me you're thinking about dropping this whole situation."

"But... he's my brother, he couldn't control it- he's ill-"

"Okay and? I'll shove my skates up his ass. He's a paranoid schizophrenic. Not a teenage girl whose cat just died, he shouldn't get pity for this."

Jay's lips slowly left his fork as he looked at the pair and then back at other eyes around the table who also seemed to be meeting his. Yes, he missed a lot of details. Yes, he believed and thought a lot of weird things that weren't always true. But the sudden ending of every conversation but Jungwon's and Sunghoon's increasingly loud one was a very big and obvious detail. Especially to him. He saw the way Heeseung's friends awkwardly eyed the two and picked at their food before eating. And he saw how Jake's eyes widened ever so slightly as a fingernail became placed between his teeth in an unsettled or nervous fashion.

"I'm not saying he should get pity. I'm just saying that in certain circumstances things can happen not on purpose-"

"What? So him lying to the entire school and practically city that you were DEAD was an accident?!"

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