(Also if your all wondering this design came from the Yugioh 5Ds World Championship 2011: Over the Nexus Nintendo game, specifically this D-Wheel is the Lambda frame albeit with some editing on my part. I'm no digital artist but I think it's pretty good.)

Many, many more.


Name: Tierra


Humanoid Form:

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Humanoid Form:

(This is what Tierra looks like, albeit with her hairs down, two horn on her head, and armor on her arms and legs

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(This is what Tierra looks like, albeit with her hairs down, two horn on her head, and armor on her arms and legs. Oh and she doesn't wear a mask or use a rapier.)

Age: Unknown (Physically 19)

Gender: Female

Goddess of Destruction
Past Goddess of Destruction (by Metaltron)
Source of Destruction
Goddess of the Void

Personality: Sarcastic, easy to provoke, quick to anger, doesn't like being honest with herself, protective of the one she cherished, sadistic, ruthless.

Likes: Konami, burning things, sweets, destroying her enemy, her sister.

Dislikes: Stupid people, annoying people, solitude, boredom, being teased, playboy, pervert, people who insult or hurt Konami, her sister (Confused? Well you'll find out later on).

Void flame manipulation mastery
Summoning Infernoid as servants
Authority of Destruction (Lost)


Name: Metaltron XII


Humanoid Form:

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Humanoid Form:

(Couldn't find a better picture that matched my description, but this is more or less what Metaltron looks like

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(Couldn't find a better picture that matched my description, but this is more or less what Metaltron looks like. Although his hair is longer with blue lining and his eyes is blue and gold. His outfit is basically a gold color version of the Obelisk Blue uniform with part of his armor over it.)

Age: Unknown (Physically 21)

Gender: Male

True Dracombatant
The Phoenix Pupil
Slayer of Calamities
Tron (by Konami)
Goldy boy (by Tierra)

Personality: Noble, honorable, mischievous at times, nice, care-free at times, responsible

Likes: Fighting, training, challenges, facing strong opponent, protect others, teasing Tierra and Konami, his girlfriend.

Dislikes: Evil individual, people who have no honor, people who looks down upon others, the True Kings.

High level combat skill
Zoodiac weapons creation mastery

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