They want Her

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"Haven't gotten yourself a date yet, sissy?", Hyunjin said when he sat beside Yeji who busy trying to paint the wall of the stage. She was assigned by Ms. Lee to do so with Chaeryeong, but sadly, she had to help Yuna to collect a few things in their class. Good thing that Hyunjin was passing by and decided to help his sister.

"No, I don't think I wanna join the party either."

"Why so?"

"Ms. Lee said she'll announce our partner later. And I'm scared I might get partner up with him."

Yeji stopped painting wall as she looked down and sighed. She still felt the exhaustion from the heart break she got last time, and it made her mentally unstable. It made her distracted from school work to which she was very worried about her grades. She didn't want her feelings made her grades dropping. It would surely disappoint their parents.

"Mom and dad left to Canada for a month now, when are they going home?", Hyunjin asked trying to change out the topic because he knew his sister's mentality would just gone worst if they continue.

"Huh, I don't know, Hyunjin-ssi. At this point, I don't care anymore whether they are home or not. I just need them coming home safe and breathing, that's all that matters"

Both siblings continued their work with no more words were spoken. They both just focused on painting the hall wall so that they could their lunch already. It was almost an hour and a half, they needed it to finish faster so they could rest.

As they were busy painting the wall, Chaeryeong barged into the room with foods in her hands, lowkey startling the twins.

"Guys!!! I bought lunch, let's rest for a little while. I had asked Ms. Lee about it and she agreed", Chaeryeong offered the twins who was watching every of her step. Grins curled up upon the twins faces as they went to wash their hands and ate the food Chaeryeong bought for them.

They went to the nearest bench and rest there. Chaeryeong gave out the foods to each of them and devoured the food.

"Wahh!! Bon appetite, thanks Chaeryeong, you're the best", Hyunjin compliment.

"Your welcome, enjoy!"

The three of them was enjoying their foods while chit chatting within each other. They happily shared whatever news that they received that day such as; summer break vacation. Yeji and Hyunjin were planning to go somewhere that was peaceful and picturesque-able.

"That's nice, I wish I could join you guys. How unfortunate that my sister had offered me to go to Jeju Island first."

"Damn, I've been wanting to go to Jeju though, must be nice", said Yeji while munching her triangle kimbab.

"Yup, I'll be spending most of my time there with Chaeyeon unnie"

Chaeyeon, a sister of hers that was quite popular in the campus. Alot of people adored the girl but not Chaeryeong. They always compared her with her elder sister which Yeji found cruel. Like, different people different talent. Throughout the year, Chaeryeong always received hates from other colleagues because she wasn't like sister. It pisses Yeji off.

Just because a sibling could do something that the other one can't, it doesn't mean that the other one got no talent. Chaeryeong had her own specialty so was Chaeyeon. Yeji couldn't understand why society love comparing people so much, as if it would benefit them in some type of way.

Even after being compared, Chaeryeong still treated them nicely. It was unfair how they treated Chaeryeong like trash while treating her sister like queen. But good thing she got Yeji and the others by her side that made her got a strong strong self-esteem and could fight them back.

But nonetheless, Chaeryeong still loves her sister so much even after being compared to her. She might envied her a little, but that doesn't stop her from being herself the way she was. It is what it is. She is she, Chaeyeon is Chaeyeon, that's it.

"Other than me, does the others know that you had broken up with Yeonjun?", Chaeryeong asked out of blue with concern tone, she knew it was a sensitive topic, but curiosity was killing her. Yeji looked down and stared at her drink.

"Yeah, everyone knows now. What a pity that they only know about our break up and start attacking for having the guts to date that jerk instead of pursuing him like they used to", Yeji snapped sarcastically

"I've had enough of their bothersome, I feel like I wanna get rid of them as soon as possible", Hyunjin sneered as he took a big bite of his triangle kimbab. The way he bit it aggressively made Yeji and Chaeryeong laughed upon his action.

"You should see yourself, hun. You look like a bear when you do that", their laugh got louder at Chaeryeong's sarcasm as they watched Hyunjin sulked.

The day couldn't get any better.


The sound of plates clashing on the floor were heard in the kitchen...

Clashes by clashes...

Soon... It stopped.

She then screamed in agony
on top of her lungs gripping
her hair tight in her fist..

Her legs gave up on her as she dropped down the marble floor, ignoring the fact that there was a couple pieces of the broken plates poking her leg skin. She could care less about it, she didn't care as the pain wasn't the same as the pain in her heart.

She painfully admit that she could never compete against her. She always win. She got both of their hearts, while she got none. She wanted one of their hearts, she wished for it, she desired it. But guess what, it would never be hers. She kept hoping, wishing and praying for at least, either Yeonjun or Taehyun would open their heart for her.

She thought after having Yeonjun in her embrace, she would be happy. She did happy that he got his chance to make Yeji forget about Yeonjun. She even thought she could make Yeonjun fell for her.

She was pretty, cute and an all rounder yet, it wasn't enough to attract the lord Yeonjun. She then felt hopeless and sad. After her last meeting with Yeji, she realized how kind Yeji was inside. She didn't avenge people, she didn't hold a grudge on people, neither did she ever try to remove her feelings for Yeonjun.

Yeji was currently suspecting their acts, and she for sure going to find out sooner or later. She needed to step up the game and made Yeji confused a little more.

She got Yeonjun fully wrapped under her control, so she just needed Taehyun to work with her, again to make her evil plans happen.

"If I couldn't have one of them all to myself, I just need to steal them away... It's much better then"

"Sooner or later, this guilty feelings of mine will vanish. I'll take that as a chance to get my sweet revenge upon Taehyun. Just you wait, darling. You'll never get Yeji for yourself because I'm gonna make you mine"

To be continued

Hmmm, should I just make this
story short or longer?
Lmao  I don't know anymore.

Few chapters left~


Han Rin💙

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