Protect her

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"Season Blossom; it's a W*btoon story that you must read. Overall, it's my favourite.", Ryujin recommended. She had been telling the elder to read her recommendations and bugging her about it. It was not like Yeji refused to read, she was just not in the mood of reading book nor novels as her mood was ruined early in the morning.

It was Riki's fault. He put her strawberries into the microwave without her consent. For Yeji, eating a hot strawberries were an absolute nonsense. She just didn't get why Riki's taste was so different from hers. First, watermelon and salt, then strawberries... If she heard another nonsense from him, she shall kicked his butt up.

" Unnie, you okay? What makes you keep spacing out like this?", Ryujin asked while snapping her finger in front of Yeji's face.

"Nothing really, Ryu. Nothing important", although she knew Yeji was lying, she just shrugged it off since she knew it was not her business to know. She just continued to scroll over her favourite W*btoon book and minded her own business.

That day, the teachers were busy with meetings so they were free the whole day and session. Their classmates were doing their things; laughing, joking, playing game on the phone, reading books even. So both Ryujin and Yeji decided to go to the rooftop to get some fresh air since their class was too noisy.

In silence, Yeji felt downhearted, but not because of her brother. It was because of Yeonjun. Last night, she tried to call him several times, but he didn't pick up. It worried her alot. Deep inside, she prayed that Yeonjun won't cheat on her like how he used to cheat on his past girlfriends. She was scared if he cheated on her with Hana. Ever since that day; where they talked out about their issues, Yeonjun began to act oddly around her. As if he was scared.

She might not know what type of scared it was, but it seemed like it was the "scared to get caught"  type of scared. Every time they went on a date, Yeonjun seldomly looked at her with love anymore. His stare turned bored and exhausted. But that was not it, he always text someone whenever they were together.

It made her anxiety rose up; thinking that Yeonjun might cheat on her.

"Unnie, why are you crying?", Yeji jolted by Ryu Jin's tap on her shoulder. She subconsciously cried in the middle of her wild and negative thoughts. She quickly wiped them out and looked at Ryu Jin with a weak smile.

"It was nothing, Ryu Jinnie. I'm just worried"

"What is it about? Your boyfriend?"

Yeji didn't reply, she just nodded her head weakly. Out of all her group of friends, Ryu Jin was the only one she could rely onto. She was matured and considering. She could easily read people's thought and facial just by looking at them. She didn't mind if Ryu Jin found out about her negative thoughts because she was tired, mentally and physically.

"I'm not good with words, but I'm a good listener. Please do lean on me, unnie. Don't bottle up your thoughts like that, it'll slowly kills you inside", Ryu Jin pulled Yeji under her embrace. The younger girl felt her heart clenched by recent sight in front of her. For her, no one could hurt her unnies nor dongsaeng. They were her treasures and she was sure of it.

They didn't utter anymore words as the atmosphere suddenly turned down with sobs engulfing it. Yeji had her mental breakdown right under the younger girl's arms as she could hold her tears any longer. Her heart were sensitive and she just couldn't help but to burst out like that.

No body could heard them beside each other. Her sobs were quite, but sound so painful. The black-blonde straps hair girl pat her best friend gently, mumbling a couple of comforting words into the eldest ear.

Ryu Jin was looking down the rooftop, watching the students walking around the school backyard happily. Her eyes suddenly widened at the crucial sight she just witnesse with her own eyes. She body frozen as shivers engulfing it. 'No, it can't be.'

"Ryu, you okay? What's wrong?"

The moment Yeji turned her body to the scene Ryu Jin just witnessed, her heart shattered into pieces as tears continued to flow like crazy. She put her hand upon her mouth as she tried hard to hold her sobs in. Ryu Jin quickly dragged the eldest away because she was so done the scene. She knew it. The culprit even.
And the next thing Yeji knew was Ryu Jin smacking her hand against Hana's cheek.

"YOU F*CKIN' SLUT!!! HOW DARE YOU, B*TCH!!!", Yeji immediately pulled Ryu Jin away from Hana but her gripped on Hana's hair was so strong that Yeonjun had to get rid of it.

" YOU!! YOU DO KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING RIGHT?!?!! HOW F*CKING DARE YOU KISSED A LIPS THAT'S NOT YEJI'S!!!", Yeji looked down to the ground, unable to face her soon-to-be ex. She was too heartbroken just by watching him protecting Hana from Ryu Jin.


"We're in love, don't you get it?"


Oops, cliff-hanger🤡

Han Rin💙

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