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Author's pov[Yeji]

"So?", was all she got from Hyunjin. She was partially surprised since Hyunjin didn't give her those over-protective brother's mode outcome to her - it was clear to her that Hyunjin had acknowledged her relationship a long time ago. But she was certain that Hyunjin was not happy about it.

"What do you mean 'so'? Aren't you gonna give me a whole some lecture about being in relationship?", Hyunjin didn't give her any respond but he walked out her room instead. That was when Yeji got the hint of Hyunjin's actual reason of why he was disappointed at her.

As a Hwang siblings, they should not lie to each other. They had to tell each other the truth no matter what - even if that thing hurts them. And knowing that Yeji had kept her relationship in secret from him hurts his pride. It was the same as her not trusting him about her secrets though he had been working hard to be a good brother to her.

Hyunjin felt like he was going to cry any time soon just by knowing his twin keeping her relationship from him for over a year. He felt as if he was untrustworthy. He hated the fact that he was so sensitive and soft hearted. Although he wanted to be as tough as he could, he just couldn't stop his tears from flowing down his cheeks as he locked himself inside his room.

Through those tears, he began to doubt himself if he ever done anything wrong that made Yeji keeping a secret from him. He was overwhelmed by his thoughts that he didn't hear Yeji yelling out his name from outside.

"Hyunjin-ah. Hyunjin, I'm sorry. I truly am. I didn't mean to keep it as a secret, I was just wondering when am I going to tell you about it"

Hyunjin scoffed at her words.

"Really? You kept it from me for over a year, and you tell me that you're wondering when you're going to tell me? Do you even hear yourself?", Yeji froze on her spot. He was right. It was almost a year, but why won't she tell him before?

Why won't she tell him about her relationship by the time they had their first date? Was it really that hard to tell him about it?

" It's, it's not like that!"

"Then what?"

She couldn't give him a respond, because what he said to her just all true. She not exactly afraid to tell him about her boyfriend, she just didn't have the courage yet. She was too focus on her boyfriend that she forgot her own brother how raised her since toddler.

Hyunjin was the only one who worked hard on raising her when their parents were own focus on their business, barely home and rarely gave them quality time as a family.

"I'm so sorry, oppa. I just didn't have any courage to tell you yet. I know you're disappointed in me, but please hear me out first", she begged as her sobs were getting louder and louder. Hyunjin wiped his tears and stood up. He unlocked his room and let his twin in.

" Fine, fill me up with whatever you have, dongsaeng"


Author's POV  [Yeonjun]

"Are you sure you're single?"

"Yeah, I am. Single as f**k", the eldest said to one of his brother who didn't stop bothering and asking him who the lady he was with in the cafe yesterday - the day he and his secret girlfriend went out to date for the first time since awhile.

But how unfortunate for them that one of his brother saw them together which could possibly ruin their plan to keep the secret up until they graduate; which would be in two weeks from then. Yeonjun admitted that it was no fun to actually keep things from his brother knowing how loyal they were to him.

But he also couldn't break his promise with Yeji to not tell anybody about their relationship. It does hurt knowing that she was ashamed to be claimed as his girlfriend, but he deserved them because he used to be one of those playboy who flirt-date-broke up-then date again.  And with Yeji trying to hide their relationship from the others does hurt his pride and ashamed of himself as well.

And no matter what, he should bare with it for the sake of Yeji as well as his love for her.

It sounded so funny since it was coming from the 2nd international playboy in their university because not even once did he tried to be loyal to one of his girlfriend. He even was amazed of himself for being such a loyal and obedient boyfriend when it came to Yeji. Just something about her that he had never felt before.

"You know, hyung; if you really are persistent about being single, then that's fine, because we all know the truth", Yeonjun stopped eating his meal and faced his brother with wide eyes.

"What are you saying, Taehyun?", he panicked because he knew how sharp Taehyun could be when he was curious about something. It was as if he had an ability to analyse whether you were lying or telling the truth. And by the word Taehyun said just then, he knew he was screwed up.

" I know your secret,my bro. Don't worry, I didn't tell the others. I mean, even Hyunjin hyung know about it."

"WHATT?!?!!!", Yeonjun exclaimed. No, it couldn't be, how could Hyunjin know about it? Was it Yeji who told him about it? But she said she kept promises. No, maybe they were making it obvious for both Taehyun and Hyunjin. Or maybe something else?

"How long are you going to hide the fact that you're dating Yeji, hyung?", Yeonjun was speechless as he stated the thing that he had been working so hard to hide from everyone.

" When did you find out?"
"Yesterday, I saw you on a date with her"

Yeonjun had no more word to say and just finished up his breakfast since it was no use to lie anymore. Hers and his secret had low-key revealed. It was not a surprise that Taehyun was the first one to find out about his secret - after all, he was sharp and observant.

"Since you already know about it, please keep it as a secret for a while. I'm not ready to reveal my relationship yet. Can you do that, Hyunie?" He pleaded. He didn't want to sound so desperate but he had to. For her sake.

Taehyun just gave him a nod and head to his room. He might looked calm on the outside, but deep inside he knew he felt betrayed because his own non-blood-related brother had kept a secret from him. Taehyun was always the first one to know about Yeonjun, and the fact that he didn't even tell him about his relationship hurt his pride.

He sat on the edge of his bed and put his face on his palm. He sighed and let his whole body fell on his bed. He looked up to the ceiling and wondered why his brother was so eager to keep his relationship as a secret. Why does it have to be Yeji - his childhood crush? He thought Yeji liked him, but why did she dated his brother?

"I am more than disappointed, Yeji-ah; to both you and my brother"

To be continued


Damn, that hurts knowing
your childhood crush dated someone
that you cherish the most
(Han Rin💙)

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