Idk what to put here

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This is shitpost skip it if you want.

Hi,  I  am  very  cross.  I  have  an  account  with  Clix-n-Pix  and  I  like  to message  my  friends  and  send  them  photos  and  stuff.  Today  I  tried  to login  but  the  screen  said  that  I  had  to  change  my  password!  Why  did it  say  this?  I  was  happy  with  my  old  password  (which  is  tom321, and I share this password with my pals) – what is wrong with my old password and why should I have to change it again?

From: AngryTom (Angry Tom lmaooooo)

Creating a Strong Password

Imagine that your grandmother has recently bought herself a new laptop. She wants to contact her friends using social media but she needs to think of a suitable and strong password for her account. This is the password that she has come up with:


Your grandmother does not understand why granny-password123 is  a  weak  password,  and  she  needs  your  help  in  thinking  of  a better password
(Granny-password123, I'm gonna pass out help me)

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