Social media

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Feeling like you always need to be connected, using things such as likes to measure yourself or your relationships to other people.

Feeling like you always have to respond, always have to be available for other people (don't get me wrong I do this).

Feeling a lack of boundaries because we share everything with each other, or pressure to keep up an appearance based on what I see others posting.

oversharing: sharing personal feelings, information, or experiences that later make someone feel uncomfortable or regretful

Red flag feeling
When something happens on digital media that makes you feel uncomfortable, worried, sad, or anxious.

Social media
Websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking

Benefits: You can connect with friends, share pictures of what you are doing or thinking, share exciting things you're doing, stay up-to-date on the latest happenings.

Problems or drawbacks: It's distracting, you feel you have to be on it, there's pressure to be perfect, there's pressure to look like your life is great, it can make you feel sad or even depressed. (This is not everyone!)

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