1-3 - Deuce consults the wise bubbles of the tub and things happen

Start from the beginning

You had no idea what that button did either when you originally moved in. But you never dared to touch it. You were too curious however and one day decided to press it. Your pure shock when small ice cubes start raining from the showerhead as the water grew increasingly cold. You quickly panicked to turn it off and twisted the other shower knob to turn off all the water. It only resulted in a headache after the incident because thankfully the cubes were pretty small and didn't do much damage. You never pressed the button again.

You probably should've warned the boys before they went into the bathroom but it had completely slipped your mind as you were setting up your bubble bath.

"Why is there a button for that?!" Ace demanded. "I have no idea." You shrugged. "I'd advise you guys not to touch any of the other buttons, I'll be going now." You slipped past Deuce and left.

In the living room, you heard soft snoring and looked over the couch to see Grim had fallen asleep on the couch again. You noticed the slight stench now coming off of Grim and realized you'd probably have to bathe him soon. You didn't know if normal shampoo would work with cats so you decided to take the safer course of action by ordering cat shampoo and nail clippers for cats online. You had always wanted to own some sort of pet so you had done some research prior to this.

You brought out the smallest blanket you could find from inside your closet and covered Grim with it. Well, not only him but it basically draped over the entire couch, bits of it hanging off. You went into ADeuce's room and dropped a larger blanket on their bed for them later.

Looking at the clock upon the wall, you decided this would be a great time to start heading to bed. You brushed your teeth, closed the lights and settled under your blankets. You shut your eyes at last in peace.

Hah, of course not. You stay in your bed, looking at your phone all night, scrolling through your feed. You look on in envy at people having fun with their life unlike you, holed up in your apartment. You sighed, deciding that was enough social media for tonight and turned off your phone.


Kikoeru darouTobira no mukkou
Kimi wo matteru
Ikkou ze Wonderland!

Your phone rang out once again. You grumbled slightly, rolling over to face your shaking phone. You heard a loud thump from the other bedroom. You're quickly distracted from it though as your alarm song is interrupted by a different ringing. An incoming phone call. You shot up from your covers swiftly, shocked and confused. Who's calling me!? You grabbed your phone off the end table to see the caller was just Ben. You let out a little sigh of irritation as you realized who it was.

Yes, Ben was that unnamed, constantly brought up one person from college who you could consider a friend. You accepted the call.

"[Your Name]! Hi, how are you doing?" His eager voice came through loudly, making you slightly even more annoyed. It was the morning, you needed at least one bowl of cereal first to be dealing with this. You could hear through his background that he was at a shopping mall. "Hi, Ben, how are you doing?" You tried to smile, forcing yourself to sound awake and energetic to match Ben's voice.

"You didn't answer my question, [Your Name]..." He noted, you can just hear the disapproving frown on his end. "I'm fine, honestly. I want to know how you're doing." You sighed. "I'm doing great, thanks for asking, [Your Name]!" Ben exclaimed cheerfully.

"Hey, [Your Name], have you considered making your Jiffygram account public?" He asked suddenly. You had created a Jiffygram account but you made it completely private. The only person following you was Ben himself and your parents. All you did was post pictures of your food, the view outside your window and less than flattering pictures of yourself. "Uh, no way. Nobody would even see it and it'd just be...bad." You laughed dryly. "Really, [Your Name]! You should consider it! I think you look really good!" Ben urged you. "Just because you think I look good, doesn't mean others will." You said softly.

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