"I'm sorry, but I don't remember you." I whisper, she smiles sadly.

"I don't expect you too, dear. The last time I saw you was when you were two, then her family moved to town to help out. Although I was your preschool teacher." She smiles, looking up at Fleet.

"And you sir, you better take good care of her. I may be old, but I can still whoop your ass." I laugh at her choice of words, but gasp when she glares at him with magic in her hands.

"I'm the last living guardian of her bloodline, and I will die to protect her." Her voice was whispery, but it held strength and a will of steel.

"What do you mean, guardian of her bloodline?" Fleet asks, eyes wide in shock.

"Don't tell me you don't know about her prophecy! I know you know! Those boys you sent to me ages ago asked all kinds of questions and I told them everything!" She gasps, he shakes his head.

"I knew about the prophecy, but not about any guardians on her bloodline. If I did, I would never have sent her off with her family when the rebellion began. They locked her in a room and made sure her powers were dulled to nothing, and apparently wouldn't even let her hunt." He scoffs, I look down as the town look at me with raised eyebrows.

The lady sighs, grabbing my hand with her leathery ones. "Darling, my name is Katerina. And I can promise you, that no harm will ever come to you again." Katerina says sternly, looking at the townspeople with a small glare. I giggle, rubbing her icy cold hands with a bit of heat from my fire power.

She smacks my hands away. "Don't waste your power on me, Tanya. I'm not that old." She scolds, looking at my defiantly.

"But you're so cold!" I exclaim.

"Just like I have to be." She replies smoothly.

"Your Majesties, your coffee." I hear a timid voice speak from behind us. I smile at the woman, grabbing my coffee and croissant from her hands.

"Thank you!" I giggle, beginning to drink my coffee. Fleet rolls his eyes as Katerina glares at the coffee in my hands.

"That's bad for you." She exclaims, I take a dramatic slow sip.

"That... was perfect." I smirk at her as she shakes her head. Fleet sighs, shrugging his shoulders.

"I have to live with her." He sulks, I smack the back of his head.

"I'm an absolute delight!" I huff, he nods.

"Yes, Love." He agrees, kissing my temple. "Now, come on! I have a surprise for you." He grins, paying for our coffee and pulling me away from everyone. I wave at them, giggling as he pulls me out of sight.

"What's the surprise?" I ask as we slow to a walk as we go down a neighborhood.

"You'll see." He smirks, pulling me towards a familiar house.

It was small, but it looked homey. Windows, lots of them, and the house itself was a pretty blue-gray. There were trees in the front yard, and the yard was overgrown with weeds and grass. It was a little rundown, but the house seemed to be taken care of.

He pulls me up the steps, slowly opening the door. Inside, memories came back to me. Memories of my parents making dinner, Mom playing with me, and vague ones with my brother and I going trick or treating and running around as I demanded we played Prince and Princess.

Movie nights in the living room, stealing baked goods off the counter and racing outside to avoid getting caught. Not understanding when Dad never came home from work one day and never came back after my brother disappeared too. Mom sitting me down and telling me they went to go to streets made of gold and that one day we'd see them flying with angels too.

"Fleet... what is this?" I ask, gasping as I turn around and see him leaning against the doorframe with a wide smile.

"I bought you your family home. I talked to the people here, and it turns out everything was preserved. Your mother's wedding dress, your childhood toys, everything. So, I bought it all. So, you can remember your life before me." He smiles, slowly walking towards me as tears gather in my eyes. I throw my arms around him, hugging him tight.

"Thank you." I whisper against him, he chuckles and presses a kiss to my temple.

"And I was thinking, once the war is over, you and I, we can leave our responsibilities behind for a while. Let the council decide some things so we can start a family, only if you want, or we can just be ourselves away from everyone. We can be here, the other house, or still stay in the Palace. It's up to you, even if you want to go and explore the world. We can." He says quickly, looking excited. I giggle, leaning up to kiss him softly.

"We'll decide that when it comes." I smile, he grins at me. His golden eyes crinkling with happiness. Then, I leave him to explore my young childhood home. 

Forsaken Moon (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now