Chapter Six

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My screams echoed around the camp as everyone watched me writhe on the ground. I wouldn't let anyone touch me.

Fire flamed over my body. Much worse than when Tanner kissed me all that time ago. My powers went berserk when this began last night. I shape shifted fully for the first time, then shifted back, then my wings came out, then I breathed fire, all sorts of things happened. Right now, my wings are out but they look more like black dragon wings and I have sharp talons for fingernails.

My throat was hoarse, but I couldn't control my body. I couldn't stop. No matter how hard I tried. A realization dawned on me.

I was going to die.

Memories of my life flashed before my eyes. Bringing me bits of joy. I memorize my family's faces. My mind's eye hovering over my siblings. Maybe I would get to see Katherine up in the palace of Moon Goddess. Kitty was like a second mother to me. And I would love to see her once again.

Thunder rolled. Lightning striking down to the ground. The earth rumbled. The sky dark, but for one hole in the sky where the moon shone down perfectly on me. Tears rolled down my face as my screams turned to burning fire.

The crowd shrieked, stepping backwards. My family watched as they saw me in agony. Some faces were angry and disgusted. Knowing that Fleet did something. Did something very wrong.

I clawed at the dirt. Hoping it would relieve me of this pain. But it did nothing to the storm inside of me. I struggled against the bonds of my mind. Trying to gain even more control. But it just tightened its grip on me. My wings and claws receded, my fire turning back into screams. My hair soaked with my tears, I succumbed to the bonds. Just letting the pain roll over me in waves.

It was easier this way. Because I knew I was letting it happen. Giving myself some kind of twisted piece of control.

My heart was heavy in my chest, both feeling on fire and shattered from betrayal. I hear shouting distantly, my screams rising even higher. Everyone around me flinches as a familiar face that gives me pain shoves his way through the crowd.

He drops to his knees, golden eyes wide in terror. He stretches out his hands, but my entire body spasms away from him as my screams get even louder. He flinches back, agony entering his eyes. Black spots enter my vision, my back arching as fucking torture explodes over my entire body. Mind growing dark. I accept my fate. Letting the darkness overtake me.

Then the pain is no more. I'm finally free of its clutches. I drift through the peaceful darkness. Enjoying the warm touch of healing.

I slowly drift into a huge white light, laying on something so soft it feels like I'm floating. My eyes drift closed. Exhausting overtaking me, a different kind of darkness closes over my mind.


Sorry for the short chapter! I will be gone from all my electronics in two days. I will be unable to write for about six days, so I'm trying to update every book today and tomorrow before I leave. 

I will try to get you the next chapters once I get back, but it might take me at least a week.

Have a wonderful day, lovelies! 

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