Chapter Seven: Holidays with Slytherins

Start from the beginning

"Goodmorning", said Sirius's father curtly picking up the daily profit and beginning to skim the first page.

"Morning father", Sirius replied.

"What would master like for breakfast today?", Kreature asked Sirius, walking up to him.

"We'll both have the same as usual Kreature", Sirius instructed, "scrambled eggs, sausages, toast and some hash browns."

"Of course master", Kreature replied, bowing low and retreating.

The two of them sat down on the other side of the table from Sirius's parents and began discussing the presents they'd bought for their friends.

"I really think James is going to love that poster you got him", Sirius said.

"I hope so", Sophie replied.

"Who haven't you got presents for", Sirius asked her.

"I haven't got anything for Peter or Storm yet", Sophie told him, "or my brother."

"We'll have to go shopping today then", Sirius laughed, "I haven't got anything for James or Regulus."

"Have you got an idea of what you're going to get them?", Sophie asked.

"Not yet", Sirius told her.

"Well Jock said that they were going shopping today as well", Sophie replied, "so we could go with them. Jock can apparate so that's cheap travel."

"I can't wait to be 17", Sirius laughed.

"It's a good feeling", Sophie teased. Sirius's birthday was only in February so she was a couple of months older than him.

"Shopping with them doesn't sound like the worst idea in the world", Sirius considered, "but you know Regulus and I don't get along. Especially after that wizard duel."

"Well we don't have to go shopping with them", Sophie said, "we can always go by ourselves."

"If it's okay with you I'd prefer that", Sirius asked.

"That's fine", Sophie told him. She grabbed his hand, which was resting on the table, and gave it a reassuring squeeze. The gesture was meant to be friendly but she felt an almost electric shock type feeling flood through her when she touched his hand. She tried not to show it and Sirius smiled at her.

"Breakfast, master", Kreature announced, placing two fully stacked plates of food on the table.

"That will be all Kreature", Sirius told him. The elf bowed and walked away, back over to the other side of the kitchen. The two of them dug into their breakfast. As they ate Jock and Regulus made their way down to the kitchen where they were greeted with a far warmer welcome than Sophie and Sirius. The six of them sat around the table eating breakfast and chatting in their respective pairs.

"What are your plans for the day Regulus?", Mrs Black asked him.

"Jock and I need to do some last-minute Christmas shopping so we'll be doing that", Regulus told her.

"Do you need any money?" She asked him.

"No, mother, I think I'm alright,'' Regulus replied.

"Don't be silly dear", Mrs black told him. She pulled out a large wallet and handed Regulus a large handful of galleons. Sophie couldn't believe how rich the Blacks were. They were just throwing money around like it was nothing.

"Thank you mother", Regulus said, taking the galleons and putting them in his pockets.

"And you Sirius?" His mother asked in a less interested tone.

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